I hardly dare to hope that I am on the mend but I did have a good nights sleep and this morning I am comparatively free from pain, for which relief much thanks.
Although I know from past experience that I have before me the certainty of other attacks and some painful treatment before this is over I am confident that this time things will be sorted out before any serious infection sets in.
My son has insisted that I remain in bed and do absolutely nothing and his plan seems to be working . Before his do nothing order I had been attempting to do at least some jobs like bread making and cooking which resulted in complete exhaustion as just fighting the pain takes all my strength. Enough of this dismal topic, suffice it to say that I have an appointment with my G.P who will I hope refer me back to a urology consultant a.s.a.p.
I am grateful to my son who kept the blog site pot boiling in my absence, incidentally I am reading the first draught of his new book and although I am not a space science buff the book is written in such a way as to make it a jolly good read for anyone. His week in the countryside certainly seems to have paid off.
Pa has been wonderful doing his best to look after himself and to keep things tidy,he has managed his chores well and been cheerful throughout . I had dinner last night for the first time in almost a week and I confess that I was rather dreading finding a mess in the kitchen but all was well. Everything was clean and tidy and the meal of quiche and salad was lovely.
,I am so proud of my men folk, they have really come up trumps.
I had hot buttered toast for breakfast and I am told that tonight we are having grilled sausages with jacket potatoes and grated cheese which sounds lovely. I have felt too ill to eat for days and now that my appetite s returning I am hungry all the time.
I am not very good at lying in bed but at the moment I am grateful for the rest, my little cat visits me from time to time, she is puzzled to find me lazing about and I have a sneaking suspicion that she would prefer to have the room to herself during the day. She is however too much of a lady to say so and I value her company , especially when my hot water bottle begins to cool!
There is a strong wind today and from my bed I can see the trees tossing their branches with each blast A short time ago a crow flew past my window backwards, caught in a cross wind I expect.
My son is now in bed asleep and Pa is out visiting the hospital for his blood tests so the cat and I are now going to settle down for a little nap while the house is quiet, it does seem odd to be sleeping during the daytime but it is so nice to be snuggled up in my comfy bed and pain free for a time.
Lots of love from Avie.
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