Pa excelled himself today, he finally dragged his sorry ass out of bed at two fifteen in the afternoon, it was hardly worth his while to get up. I had been up since seven and had been trying to get the old boy out of bed from about nine O clock, by twelve I realised that I was fighting a loosing battle and as I needed to do some shopping left him with an ultimatum and departed in high dudgeon in the direction of the super market.
Feeling in need of a treat I bought a new summer top and a pretty scarf to wear with it and these items I made sure were paid for Rip-van Winkle! Next he treated me to a box of chocolates after which I did the rest of the shopping, mostly fresh fruit and came home in a slightly better frame of mind.
This was not destined to last very long as when I arrived home it was to discover Pa still not dressed. the curtains still closed and items of bed linen scattered about the floor. I was positively incandescent by this time and I read Pa the riot act, chapter and verse. Now I know that we lost an hour this morning to British Summer time but really, two fifteen, it,s ridiculous. I believe he must hold the world record for tardiness, it is a pity that lazying about is not an Olympic sport, we would certainly be in line for medal if so !
For once I was to angry to make breakfast and to be honest as we would be eating dinner before six it seemed a little pointless so I instructed the old so and so to make do with a bowl of cereal for once while I cleared up the mess. Still fuming I decided to go out in to the garden for a little while. There would not be time to do very much but still it would be better than staying indoors getting more and more cross with Pa.
The cat Twiggy jumped on me at once and insisted upon being given a long luxurious tickle on the tummy, there is something very soothing about stroking a cat, I believe I got every bit as much pleasure from it as she did. When she had at last had enough we took a stroll about the orchard looking at the primroses and observing(not too closely on the cat's part I hope) the whereabouts of several new birds nests. I then went off to weed the strawberry bed as it is infested with dandelions again and before I spread on some manure I needed to remove the little blighter's.
All too soon it was time to return to my indoor duties, there was a dish of garlic and cheese penne to prepare for dinner and sandwiches to cut for my sons packed super. Once again things did not quite go according to the manual and things got a little fraught when Pa disappeared off to the loo just as I was ready to serve, nothing new there then!
It has been a rotten day altogether and I am most defiantly feeling sorry for myself just now so pay no attention, I shall be fine after a good nights sleep, there is just one problem, Since Pa has been asleep for most of the day it is unlikely that he will sleep tonight. This means that I shall have to keep and eye on the old chap in case he gets in to mischief. Ho Hum!
I'm just a little black rain cloud, pay no attention to me...............................Oh bother!
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