For some reason this morning I was full of energy and having woken up early I decided to make a start on the days chores by baking the bread. I needed five loaves for today, two split tin loaves and a bloomer for us and two nice round cross tops for some friends . They came out beautifully but of course I made the usual mess with flour on the flour as the bread trough I ordered last week arrived by courier as the loaves came out of the oven. It is a very large old one and will have to be stored on the top of the bacon settle but I am very happy with my purchase as owing to it's size I shall also be able to use it for salting pork, something I have not done in years.
By eleven my son who goes back to work tonight was awake and the three of us had breakfast in the kitchen, cheese on toast for the boys and poached eggs for me. After tidying the kitchen and delivering the loaves the day being fine the garden beckoned and I could not resist it's call. I sowed courgettes ,squashes pumpkins leeks and a variety of salads in warm compost and put some of them in the widow sill propagators and the rest out in the tunnel. It is exiting to think that an a few short weeks we shall be eating g the results of today labours.
I spent a little time patching up the poly tunnel with duct tape and if the weather holds I shall sow directly in to it tomorrow, probably more salad varieties and some early carrots. I shall also prepare to sow this years potato crop. And start off some early peas
Now for the soup recipe which I promised to give you on Friday
Gammon and vegetable soup
Defrost the stock and the vegetables left over from the bacon and crusty dumplings meal. Skim any fat from the top and blitz together in a blender. At this point you can if you wish add some fresh herbs, parsley is very good with this soup. Today I added a carton of crème fraich during the blitzing process some garlic salt and a couple of tablespoons of Worcestershire Sauce. Tinned tomatoes can also be added, in fact this soup base can be used in many ways. A friend who makes it often adds a little curry powder, it all depends on what suits you best.
Heat the soup carefully and serve with fresh bread or buttered toast.
This is a very economical meal as is uses up the leftovers and takes very little fuel as the cooking has already been done. Oh yes I forgot the obvious and best, Try adding some tinned mushy peas or chick peas, on a cold night it makes a filling warming meal for four people.
The cat Twiggy has spent the entire day cavorting madly around the garden, delighted as always to have company. She visited all her old haunts and then sat on the potting table observing my activities closely and occasionally making off with my string or rolling my pencil off the table.
Late in the afternoon the air became very still and the sky blackened suddenly but there has been no rain so far thankfully. This has been the first day this year when the sun has felt really warm , how lovely it is to think of all the days to come, filled with the scent of flowers and busy with weeding, picking and preserving all the lovely things that are good enough to grow in my garden.
I am very tired this evening but it was worth it to be in the garden once again, and my soft feather pillows will ,I think soon be privy to some gentle snoring. Night night everyone.
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