The saga of the illegal hotel continues and more people are rallying to the course every day.
If I am to have my garden bulldoze to make way for an illegal car park for an illegal hotel I shall fight the developers every inch of the way. This area has until recently had strict rules on building work and development of any sort. I was once f=refused permission to erect a ten foot by eight foot poly tunnel because it was deemed to be out of character with the area,and fair enough. I make do with much smaller ones. So how the heck a hotel a large stable block and a socking great car park have managed to get under the radar God knows. Non of these structures have the benefit of planning permission and yet the planning department turns a blind eye. It beggars belief. Well the peasants are revolting and we have banded like Robin Hood and his Merrie men to try to put a stop to these flagrant breaches of the law. On lady has written to the Duke upon who's land and probably at whose behest the work is being carried out to complain about the fact that her home is to be surrounded by a high fence so that the new hotel can boast excellent security. There is now a campaign of letter writing to councillors and members of Parliament, the gist of which is as follows. The law should be the same for also what is happening here. The law has been breached so why is nothing being done about it. I have a few ideas about why that is and it does not take Miss Marple to work it out.
I am continuing to work in the garden, it has now become an act of faith as all my work will be trashed it the car park scheme goes ahead. I spent another lovely afternoon outside edging up the borders and putting in new plants here and there. Tomorrow I hope to sow some more seeds and clear a weedy patch ready for planting, I also need to spread some manure on the strawberry bed. I lovely job!
This morning my son gave me breakfast in bed, a nice treat and much appreciated by me. I have done very little cooking today as I need all the time I can get to work in the garden. Dinner was a very simple dish of puff pastry piled high with mozzarella cheese, ham, tomatoes, mushrooms and olives served with a salad, we all agreed that it was a perfect meal for a warm spring evening.
I have promised the boys a game stew for dinner tomorrow as the time for eating such rich food is almost over so there is to be one more stew and one more game pie before the month is out. We all love game but not one of us came tolerate the stuff in hot weather.
There is still enough light as I write this for me to see my garden through the window, it truly is the typical English country garden seen in old paintings of bygone days. I hope with all my heart that it will still be there to lift my spirits this time next year, the alternative is too awful to contemplate.
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