Yes and just about everywhere else as well. I slept very little last night as various muscles and joints aired their discontent with the way in which I abused them yesterday, I must say I expected as much. When at last I managed to sleep the dawn had broken and my son was expected within the hour....for once he was on time.
During the hour or so in which I had slept my knee had contrived to seize up altogether , my sciatic nerves were jangling and I had acquired from no where a vicious headache which persisted until I limped down to the garden, pulled up a groundsel plant, bashed the root with a mallet and taken several long sniffs! I find this much more pleasant that a Feverfew sandwich which cures the headache but makes me feel queasy for hours afterwards.
After this less that propitious start I confess I was non too sanguine as to the day in prospect and with good reason. While dressing I discovered a number of large black bruises in various places, numerous splinters and to make matters worse my hand and wrist were aching with rheumatism, it is almost like tooth ache, very nasty indeed., and of course today was a bread making day. I swallowed some Dicloflex and a couple of pain killers and went out to pick nettles, the stinging seems to deaden the pain a little, well actually it replaces one pain with another,but it helps.
Some time later two large split tin loaves , two floury cob loaves and a poppy seed twist were cooling on wire trays, I breathed a sigh of relief and set about making pancakes for breakfast, Pa has a craze on them at the moment and I am glad to see him enjoying his meals again.
I decided to eschew any further heavy work for today and just pottered about with the hose pipe and managed a little light weeding. The day was sunny with a light breeze and I enjoyed several cups of coffee while sitting watching the birds go about their business. Over in the shelter belt at least one young kestrel has hatched judging by the noise coming from the nest, they kick up a terrific fuss when the parents appear with food and are have voracious appetites. I watched one of the parent birds plucking the feathers from what looked like a starling. They have a particular spot at the top of a dead tree on which they perform this ritual, hard luck for the starling but hunky dory for the hungry youngster.
A pair of wood pigeons have made their untidy nest in the apple tree at the bottom of the orchard for the third year running, she seems almost in a trance as she sits on her eggs, perhaps it is the soporific effect of her mates continuous cooing which is the cause, it almost sent me to sleep this afternoon as I sat on the garden swing under the tree.
I cooked a pasta meal for dinner, quick and easy and loved by my son who is almost finished with work for the week. Tomorrow we begin our week off and as usual it is so packed with plans that we shall all need a rest to get over it if we accomplish all we set out to do.
I am glad that it is evening now and I can soak my aching ,aged bones in a hot bath and then sink into bed. I feel every one of my years and a few extra ones today and yet after the hard work of this past week the gardens are looking lovely and are almost ready for what I hope will be a productive summer.
I am a stubborn old so and so and I am having trouble coming to terms with the fact that I am slower than I was and tire more easily since my illness. I do not feel at all like hanging up my trowel and intend to grow old as disgracefully as possible. Tomorrow I may not feel so old so the world had better watch out.
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