Now that my son has returned and all the excitement and preparation s for the fĂȘte are over it will be nice to return to normal if only for a short time. Today was taken up with bread making and the doing of the laundry which my son brought back from his holiday . We had a late breakfast of blueberry muffins and tea and then the business of the day began.
I baked six loaves this morning one of which was for our neighbours who returned last night from Italy, today I used a wholemeal seeded flour mixed with a little seeded white flour to help the rise. Since tonight's meal was to be home made pizza there was very little preparation to do so after delivering one of the loaves to another friend I decided to do a little gardening. After the exertions of yesterday I own to being rather stiff in the joints so that a little exercise would I hoped loosen me up a little. I had observed to moment I opened the curtains this morning that the wind was very strong to day and as I entered the garden it was plain that this rude wind had taken liberties with my handy work. And all around thing which had not been nailed down were now blown about in to the most peculiar places. As it turned out that bit of tidying was all the gardening I managed to do today.
My son is in need of some new boots and I have mentioned the dilapidated state of his old ones on several occasions during the past six months or so. Today I told him to go on line and order two pairs of his favourite Dr Martins for his birthday which is in a couple of weeks time. I had also asked him to place a large order for me for some Christmas presents , I am very organised you see. After a short while I received the news that the boots he wanted were unavailable and he could not place my order as he needed I pin code.
Now the reason that I had asked my son to do this trifling job in the first place was two fold. In the first place I was very busy and in the second place he is far more able with computers than I.
As the order and the catalogue landed on my desk I decided to have a go myself and within just a few minutes had located two pairs of the exact boots he likes in the correct size and in the colours he required. Next I tackled the Cotton traders preview site which enables me to purchase in advance things which will not appear to the general public until later in the year. There is also a hefty discount if I order early and I shall not have to pay until the goods are delivers in August . A bargain not to be missed especially since both Pa and my son are addicted to Cotton Traders Shirts.
There seemed to be a problem with the web site which I was informed by my resident computer wizard could not be overcome. I checked the information, noticed a telephone number, called it and the problem was sorted out in a moment. I have often noticed that the young generation of button pushers are totally at a loss if nothing happens when the button is pushed. Older people such as myself are far more used to sorting out problems the old fashioned way.
Last Friday as I was out on the Buggy a young couple passed me in a lovely old sports car which was unfortunate making some very strange noises indeed. Minutes later I saw them pulled up at the kerb with the bonnet up and I stopped to help. It seemed that the young man had inherited the car from his grandfather quite recently and it had been garaged for some time . It was obvious that the engine was misfiring and after the plugs were cleaned with a bit of emery board the engine sounded much better. My generation were used to doing this type of thing, I spent a good deal of my young life stripping down cars, as we always serviced our own. I know that these days it is much harder to service a car as you cannot even tune an engine without a computer and the electrics are a nightmare but I must be honest and say that nothing would induce me to but one of these hight performance high maintenance monstrosities. The sports car I fixed was an old one made when cars were real cars, when the machinery which made them work was , with a little study easy to understand and therefore to fix. Now correct me if I am wrong but it seems to make no sense to pay a fortune for a car that will during its lifetime need to be treated like a thoroughbred race horse or a blasted Prima Donna. If they are not serviced every so many mile you loose your warranty, now, who does that benefit . I would much rather buy a classic car, even a modest one with and engine, clutch, gearbox and suspension that I can understand and fix .
I seem to have digressed rather, oh well I shall get of my soap box now and get in to the bath, I cannot tell you how good it is to have my son home again, he makes me laugh all the time and is universally good humoured no matter what, which is more than can be said for his Mama!
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