Just as I had expected I got not sleep last night due to the pain in my legs,on the bright side I did watch the election coverage and it was almost worth the pain to see those dishonourable Liberal Democrats get a trouncing. The toast and coffee brought to me by my son this morning was very welcome and we chatted about the nights news, he too being up all night at work had been keeping an eye on the results.
Still in a good deal of pain I was quite resigned to doing no gardening today, I was not happy about it but under the circumstances I though it best to give my legs a rest. It was still very early so after giving Pa a cup of tea I decided to get the shopping over with before the ravening hoards descended upon Tesco. I did the shopping indouble quick time and was reaching gingerly for a pack of cereal on a high shelf when with a loud crunch my hip popped back in to place. The relief was almost instant and although I was still a little sore I was very much better.
On the way home I reconsidered my plans and decided to plant put some salad seedlings some beetroot and some spinach, we eat a great deal of these vegetables so a good supply is important.
Out side my cottage I met one of our friends who had come to visit, once inside he told me that a lady we both know was to be featured on “Cash In The Attic” this morning so we sat down to wathc the television. We were joined by another friend and a few moments later the bee man arrived to see to a swarm of bees in the garden, he finds them good home bless him and it was our second swarm in a week. Next the gas man came for the key to next door and joined us for tea and biscuits, we had a full house. I was fun to see an old friend on the Television and she made over a thousand pounds from her bits and pieces some of which were lovely old things.
It was one before they had all left and Pa left for the doctors surgery to collect my new piankiller prescription. I pottered out in to the garden determoned to plant”just a few” bits and pieces. No sooner had I found my trowel and sorted through the plants when I heard a voice at the side gate in to Tiggie's Garden. Two friends call on to return some pots and pans they had borrowed on the weekend appeared around the corner and soon we were sitting under that old damson tree chatting away about the week ends fête and the committee meeting which I had forgotten all about and just missed. They left at three and Pa returned ten minutes later. I had not planted One single lettuce!
I went indoors to find a fabulous bouquet of flowers, a gift from Pa and an extra birthday gift. They were so very beautiful and I was close to tears that he should do such a lovely thing,he often used to buy flowers for me before he became unwell and it seemed like old times. I put them in a white vase and took them upstairs to my room, Pa said that he had chosen the colours to match the décor in my bedroom and so they did.
Pa went off again to the chemist with my prescription and it was then that I realised that all my tools were still lying about in the garden so out I went to put them away. Buzzing with rage a huge bumble bee was trapped in the green house and could not find his way out,my it was cross. It took ages but I managed at last to trap it in a glass and set it free By this time I was running very late indeed
Back in the kitchen I put the kettle on and a large pan of water for the pasta and set about washing up as I had not a clean mug or cup in the kitchen The bacon for the pasta needed cooking off and my sons ham and cheeses baguette for his super at work, I fizzed around the kitchen very like the trapped bee but eventually the meal was cooked and eaten and the dishes were done.......phew, what a day!
Tomorrow is a baking day which is just as well as my various guests polished off the last two dozen cookies during their visits and we are out of bread also. So you might say that in a way it was the day I expected...no gardening.. and in another way it was not, confusing isn't it.
I choose to believe that my guardian angel decided that I needed day with less heavy work and sent all these people to make sure that I got it. What ever the reason it was fun and I enjoyed it.
I shall have another bath in my lovely lavender bubble bath this evening, it is the best I have ever had. When you sit in all the lovely foam it smell as it I am sitting in a field of lavender, it is so soothing and the water is so silky, it is a great treat.
Just a few more days and them my son begins a three week holiday, he will be away for the middle week but I hope that on the days when he is at home the weather will be fine enough for us to eat in the garden, the forecast for the weekend is rain, oh well it will be good for the garden.
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