I gain no satisfaction what-so-ever from the fact that my predictions as the the weather are proving to be correct. After a dry March and an April so warm that all my young plants are ready to go out in to the garden it is now turning cold again. Good grief there is even a frost predicted for tonight, so now what? The dilemma is this do I leave the plants in the frames for a few more weeks even thought they are beginning to yellow due to lack of nutrients and are also going leggy, or do I plant them out in to the garden and run the risk of losing them. If I do not stop scratching my head over this problem soon I shall get a bald spot!
This is the forth year running that this situation has occurred and it is the worst combination of weather that any grower or gardener can face. This year I sowed my seed much later than usual in an attempt to circumvent this problem but nature has had the laugh on me and the extreme warmth of the past month has caused the [plants to develop very quickly indeed. In spite of this I am better of than most gardeners I know who sowed under glass in February and are now faced with an even greater problem than my own.
Plants such a s tomatoes are very susceptible to cold and I have seen their leaves take on a blue tinge after a chill night. Leaving them in the frames is a risk as damping off came occur and this is fatal. Opening the frames to ventilate makes sense but at the moment the winds here are so strong that if I did open them the wind would rip them off.......problems problems.
Looking on the bright side my green house arrived today, I was unable to erect it however as the wind is too strong to undertake such a venture. All I have to say is BUM! Foiled again!
The greenhouse arrived but unfortunately the grow bags did not and after all the trouble I had last week trying to buy the blessed things I decided to go to the garden centre and give them a broadside. The manager was sent for and when I told him about the trouble I had last week he asked me who had said they were too busy to help me and I told him that he was one for a beginning. He remembered and seemed rather sheepish. I told him not to worry as I had already sent off a letter of complaint to the director of the company at which he paled a little and promised to deliver the missing items himself . The man is cordially disliked by his staff and several of them thoroughly enjoyed hearing me tear him off a strip, the foolish man chose to talk to me in the busy checkout area and so a good many staff and customers were there to hear our discourse. I should imagine that he now wishes that he had chosen a more private venue.
Back on safer ground I decided as it had turned much cooler to make a large game pie for dinner complete with puff pastry and served with roasted sweet potatoes and salad and this went down well with the troops.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I shall be fifty eight. It so happens that I am expecting guests for breakfast in the morning none of whom are aware that it will be my birthday. It will be a busy day but they are such lovely people so I really do not mind at all.
The lovely old desk at which I sit as I write is my gift from Pa and my son,I feel very lucky to have such a gorgeous present , they are very generous boys. I shall cook a quick meal tomorrow with no preparation so that if my guests leave early enough I shall be able to have a bash at putting up the greenhouse, then I shall be able to house my tomato and cucumber plants in style.
I had a bash at netting the strawberries today but oh dear the wind was much to strong and so I am afraid was my language as the nets blew in all directions,. My little cat was kept amused watching my antics as were the builders working on the house opposite, spread a little mirth and all that.
Hey Ho, now for a hot bath and a large coffee, goodnight everyone.
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