I have had one hell of a day, I do not know where to begin, it has been like swimming in a bath of treacle, a lot of hard work to get no where! The only way in which I can account for the mistakes and mishaps is either everyone I know has developed cloth ears of I have spent the entire day speaking in a foreign language. Conversations have been rather like the joke about the two old ladies, you know the one.
First old lady. “This steak's chewy.” Second old lady. “No its not its Wednesday.”
There have been mistakes over who is paying what bill this month, guess what I lost, and all because Pa got confused about the meat order and my son paid another bill with my dosh instead of Pa's. Were I a cynical soul I might begin to think that the two of them were in cahoots if it were not for the fact that neither of them would be capable of such a Machiavellian stroke based upon today's performance.
Although I moved heaven and earth to avoid having to go to the shops today I was obliged to trundle off to buy some peppers and honey, this was also caused by the inattention of the males of this family. Perhaps if the closed their mouths,opened their ears and listened we should not have this problem. Do please excuse the tantrum, as I said it has been one hell of a day.
Pa has been in one ofhis pernickitty, nit picketty moods and all day long he had me on the hop. Could I rig up some thing to stop the squirrels from raiding the bird feeders, he is becoming obsessive on this matter, I on the other hand do not give a tinkers cuss if the squirrels nick off with the lot if I can only get enough time to water the green house.
“Has the washing in the machine been rinsed?” “Yes, three ****** times.”
“What time is our son leaving in the morning?” “Ten past five dear.” FOR THE TWENTIETH TIME.........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!
Even if everything had been fine I have had so much on my mind today, the packing to finnish, the butchers order to put in this afternoon. Bills to pay, transport to hospital to arrange, tomorrows shopping ;list.......the list is endless. What I did not need was to have my ears and my poor addled brain drilled with constant questions .aaaaaaaaaaaarg!
We did have a lovely evening meal of sticky chicken with wraps and salad followed with iced cream, that was the high spot of the whole day.
Now at last the case is packed, my son is bathed and about to turn in as he has to get up early, as indeed do I . I hope he sleeps well as he will be travelling for over twelve hours tomorrow.
I shall be glad when tomorrow is over,once my son leaves I must get Pa ready for an important medical appointment. Were are hoping to get a decision about his knee replacement surgery. Poor old Pa, there are so many complications that it is a tough call.
After that there is shopping to do ,I just hope I can find the stamina to get through that lot.
In spite of my ill tempered tirade I am going to miss my son very much,no matter how bad things get he can always be relied upon to see the funny side and he is a source of great comfort to me in times of stress. One thing is certain, he really needs this holiday in a quiet spot with only himself to think of. He gives his time , energy and love unstintingly always, he is kind, loyal and honourable he is in short a very rare young man.
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