Last night I felt as low as I ever wish to feel,some times when I lose sight of hope I come close to despair. When I am very tired and in pain I seem to be unable to resist negative thoughts and this is certainly not the fault of poor Pa bless him. I want to lash out and of course I cannot and so I am sorry to say that any one unfortunate enough to read my blog on a bad day gets the lot.
I woke first again this morning and although the sky was dark and threatened rain I was cheered. You see today I had a good deal of cleaning to do and so the weather being bad meant that I would not be fretting about the garden as I could not work out doors in the rain, also the young vegetables and the fruit needs water, as the rain began to fall my spirits lifted,it was a good start to the day.
Pa seemed brighter when I took him a coffee and managed to get up without too much prodding from me. Our breakfast today was a Staffordshire delicacy called a Piklet, they are a type of flat, slightly sweet crumpet which can be sprinkled with sultanas during the cooking which is done on a griddle. Today we ate ours plain with butter and maple syrup and listened to more travellers tales from my sons holiday. While he was on Sark he took over a thousand photographs and I must say the place looks idyllic, he is quite a good photographer, he gets lots of practice you see.
After breakfast the chores began punctuated by the arrival of three parcel deliveries which was fun. One of these parcels contained Pa's new curtains and voiles, cream curtains , purple voiles to compliment the décor in his room. We all downed tools and with a little help from my son we managed to take down the old ones and put the new ones up in no time at all. These touches finishing touches make all the difference and we are all pleased with the result, especially Pa.
His room has been planned with care because of his special needs with comfy chair and everything he needs to hand, the result is cosy attractive and comfortable.
After a quick coffee I tackled the bathroom and became very hot and bothered but the job was soon finished and everywhere shone. Somehow after the grimness of yesterday everything seemed lighter and brighter in spite of the rain and cloud. During the afternoon a very loud peel of thunder rolled and rumbled about, I saw no lightening but the thunder was so loud that it made me jump and the cat who was watching me clean the window shot under the bed and refused to come out for quite a while.
Dinner was a simple meal of bacon, eggs and mushrooms with fried tomatoes followed by iced cream, simple to cook and easy to clear away and Pa was on time for the meal, for the first time in days. Tonight we are having a show of my sons holiday snaps which I am really looking forward to and then I hope a good nights sleep will follow.
Wow! Another loud thunder clap this time with flashes of lightening, torrential rain and a wind so strong that the trees are thrashing about, I can hear the big tree at the bottom of the garden creaking alarmingly as the wind tears through. The curtain of rain is obscuring the view and the water is bouncing high in the lane and forming a river as it flows by the end of the garden. I do love a spectacular storm, providing of course that I am safely and snugly indoors.
I am so very glad that the hopeless feelings of yesterday have passed, the human spirit is disposed to hope and a good thing too or where should we be.
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