I should like to begin my blog by sending heartfelt thanks to a group of very special people(they know who they are) who made my day with the lovely card and gifts they sent this morning.
To be given a collection of my favourite things was a real treat and the beautiful card with the sentiments expressed meant very much to me. These wonderful people are an important part of my small world and the difference they make to my son by their hard work and cheerfulness in the face of adversity makes me love them all .Thank you you lovely ,naughty people you really did make my day.
I was treated to breakfast in bed this morning, toast and coffee,the toast very buttery and the coffee very hot, perfect. My birthday cards from my mother and younger brother arrived and a card from my son adorned with one of his own photographs, one of which I am particularly fond. Pa,s card was lovely too covered in sparkles and flowers and I thought myself very lucky as I opened them all.
Pa had an appointment this morning and as non of the expected guests arrived I was able to attend to the important business of erecting the green house. There were a good many parts and not many instructions, you know the sort of thing I am sure. Having ascertained that all the parts were present I girded up my loins and began. An hour later I was wishing that I had waited for some assistance,the frame was a nightmare to erect and fiddly in the extreme, still my stubborn streak would not allow me to give in and I persevered so that by the time Pa came home I was almost finished. We had a quick cup of coffee then I pressed on and before I had to go indoors to cook dinner I had even had enough time to plant the tomatoes and cucumbers in their new home.
I had not realised how tired I was until I was laying the table for dinner and found that my hands were shaking so much that I kept on dropping the cutlery. Even so dinner was lovely, scampi and chips with iced creams to follow and my birthday was toasted in sarsaparilla.
After dinner I took a last stroll down the garden to admire my handy work, I am so very glad that the job is done and I am hoping for a good crop of tomatoes this year as the past few summers have been too cold and wet to grow decent tomatoes out of doors. I ache all over but I am very pleased with the days work.
It has been a truly wonderful day, I could not have wished for anything more,and I have a treat in store tonight. I shall have a long luxurious soak in the gorgeous lavender bubble bath I have been given and while I laze in the bath I shall be drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea,my favourite, what could be better than that ,and oh yes, tomorrow morning I shall have delicious lemon curd on my toast, yummy.
People are so very kind and I am lucky indeed to have had such a lovely,lovely day, thanks to every one who made it special for me.
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