Dinner last night was a merry meal, a huge order of Chinese take away, lots of sarsaparilla and the epic tale of my sons journey home. Thanks to the fact that he ended up having to fly in top Gatwick he was home much earlier that expected which left us lots of time for a good old yarn.
The first rays of sunlight woke me as usual in the summer months and I watched the world waking up while I sipped a cup of coffee before returning to bed for a couple of hours, as I had no intention of rousting the others out of bed until much later. By nine thirty I had made my bed , tidied my room and had administered refreshments to the sleepy men folk and another for myself.
Having promised my son a breakfast of home made waffles on his first day home I repaired to the kitchen to honour my promise and by eleven we were all tucking in, we all love waffles but we all hate the shop bought ones and they really are not at all difficult to make if you have the correct equipment. More travellers tales accompanied the meal and we took our time and enjoyed the entertainment.
With the dishes cleared away I went out for a spin on the buggy and for once I took my MP3 player with me. I whizzed about the lanes with Simon and Garfunkel, and Blue Oyster Cult and The Mamas and the Papas playing as I went, which shows what and ancient old party I am . There has I feel been a dead patch in the music business for quite a time but now there are some real musicians out there again and at last something worth listening to. Music is important to me and I like all types from Medieval to modern and most things in between,I am a huge fan of Al Bowlly of whom you have probably never heard. What ever it is I will listen to it...if I am in the mood.
The garden needed attention after last nights gale and I wondered around the garden muttering darkly about the weather in general as I tied up flowers laid low during the night. The wind is still strong enough to do damage and I thank the Gods that I had the foresight to plant my tomatoes indoors this year or I suspect that the cursing would have been more vitriolic.
I have been attempting to clear the back log of laundry caused by the demise of my washing machine a few weeks ago but I am fighting a loosing battle, I have three laundry baskets and at the moment none of the lids will close.........tough, today I can not be asked!
A tray of tea in the garden seemed like a good idea so in the afternoon I loaded up the tray complete with biscuits and ginger cake and settle down to watch the birds and the fox cubs going about their business, No more work today I told myself. From time to time the wind blew a variety of objects in to the garden, plastic carrier bags, crisp packets and a large straw hat. No of this surprised or disturbed me at all, some years ago after a very stormy night I found a blonde wig caught up in the hedge at the end of the garden, along with two chickens and a shed roof, after that I became inured to such occurrences, nothing phases me these days.
I kept another promise at dinner and cooked for my son his favourite pasta dish, chicken pomodori, neither Pa or I can stand this dish having eaten it far too often so for us I coked a pasta carbonara, which is very quick and easy and can be done in one pan,followed by a lemon cheese cake. This meal was accompanied by still more travellers tales. I it wonderful to have my son home again, he can light up a room with his irrepressible good humour and his quirky sense of fun.
I really must check my e mails tomorrow, I have been very lazy about doing so of late, but not today, today is for rest and relaxation and for once I do not feel even slightly guilty about doing so little . The cat Twiggy is herself again now that we are all at home again, she has cavorted abut the garden all day but keeps conning in to check that he is still here, she is such a little love.
Next on my lazy day agenda is a long soak in a hot bath and then to bed with a cup of tea and hopefully my little cat for company. Good night one and all.
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