It was a very happy group how sat down to a breakfast of blueberry muffins this morning, in spite of the fact that my son had just arrived home from his last night shift for three weeks. The special feeling you get when the whole holiday stretches before you is wonderful and we made lots of plans for things to do.
No one felt like doing very much as it has been a very busy week and so Pa and I just pottered about while my son rested and enjoyed himself watching a film of two. In the garden all is well and the newly planted pumpkins seem much happier now that they are transplanted. Soon the rest of the small plants will join them out in the garden .
The recent rain has done everything good and yet the sun and wind are drying out the pots and tubs as fast as I can water them. I have fewer of these than ever but of course some thing do grow better in containers.
Twiggy has spent most of the day in her tree house or lurking beneath a large bush of St Johnswort. She is rather tired today as she spent the greater part of yesterday evening leaping about the garden in a vain attempt to catch the newly hatched chaffers, the pupae of which have over wintered beneath the ground. Somersaults worthy of an acrobat and Olympic standard leaps went on well into the night, I was kept amused for ages as I watched her antics.
Tomorrow I must begin to sort out the clothes which my son will be taking to Sark next week,this will of course mean that the dratted ironing board will be in use. There is always a fly in the ointment somewhere I find, today however I do not care , the feeling of freedom is wonderful.
I made a special soup for dinner using sorrel and lots of herbs from the garden as well as peas, carrots, swede,parsnips,celery, garlic,squash and onions. With the addition of a large tub of crème fraiche, some chicken stock and a dash of Worcestershire sauce made a really good filling meal which we all enjoyed.
The days work is done and my son is taking a bath before going off to bed, I shall make him a hot drink and then I too shall have a good long soak. Pa will I hope choose to have an early night also and then I can relax. It has been a lovely day for us, I hope that you too have had a good day. Keep safe till next time.
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