We had a bit of a kerfuffle this morning which caused me to have to rethink the rest of the day. In a fit of absent mindedness last night I quite forgot that I had promised my son sausage sandwiched for breakfast and a full English breakfast for Pa. I make no excuses I just forgot, so that when my son remarked as he brought me a coffee this morning how much he was looking forward to the rare delicacy I was thrown in to a flat spin.
It had been my intention to clean the bathroom early this morning before breakfast, that idea was scouted at once and a mad rummage about in the freezer accompanied by much cursing then took place. I located twelve thick pork sausages frozen solid and some equally rigid bacon. I never thought to say this but thank the Gods for that microwave. Some time later with the breakfast sausages and bacon in a fit condition to cook I began to get the breakfast.
Pa was as yet not up and I was about to begin this time consuming ritual when my telephone rang, it was the daughter of one of my friends who wanted to come and see me.....right away! In vain I attempted to put her off till later,no she must come NOW !..****!! I was up to my ears with breakfast and Pa when she arrived fifteen minutes later and I basely sent my sin to answer the door hoping that she would leave leave whatever it was and go. She is a lovely girl of whom I am very fond but she could talk the legs of a centipede. My son sought me out with the news that she was now sitting on the bench outside the front door and would wait.....however long it took!
Defeated I bit the bullet and went out to see her, and now I felt terrible because she had made me a box of the most beautiful cupcakes wonderfully decorated for my birthday. You see I had jokingly said in conversation with her mother that I had made four birthday cakes for other people in the past week but had to make do with an iced cream for my birthday tea. Oh if the floor could have opened up and swallowed me I should have been very glad indeed.
Of course I was loud in my praise of the truly lovely cakes but as Pa was still mooching about in the living room in his underwear I was in no position to invite the poor girl in, add to this the pong of burning bacon and my distraction was complete. A sudden loud crash from the living room was the final straw and I made my excuses and dived inside feeling even more guilty. Thankfully it was only Pa's walking aid crashing into the fireplace but I am now going to have a lot of explaining to do when next I see the young lady.
There was no time at all for the garden today as I still had the bathroom to do when we returned from the shops,I did have enough time for a quick walk around my estate as it were and I must say that the flower garden is looking better this year than ever. People keep on stopping by to tell us how lovely it is, it is odd really because it is not the sort of garden that I would expect most people to like. The planting breaks all the rules, the colour scheme is , to put it politely original and although the planting does overall effect does owe something to Gertrude Jekyll it owes a good deal more to Salvador Dali in many ways Different people seem to see different things in it and it is nice when we get compliments . .
My son and I decided that we fancied pizza for dinner so armed with ham, mozzarella and tomatoes I embellished a couple of Tescos finest to bring them up to snuff, I am not a fan of pizza but my son loves it, I often make them from scratch but today there was not the time.;in the end they were really nice and we finished of with my special birthday cakes.....lovely.
For a day that began with so little promise it turned in to one of the nicest days I have ever had, I am lucky to know so many kind people, they make life so much happier and I thank heaven for them.
Oh yes, the cat Twiggy did not spend last night on my bed, instead she spent the whole night chasing a very large and very angry chaffer which she had brought in from the garden. She and it made such a racket that we were obliged to catch the poor thing in the early hours and put it out in to the garden. Poor old puss then spent the rest of the night searching for her confiscated quarry, as a consequence she has been extremely sleepy today , silly old puss!
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