Early this morning I was awakened by an almighty crash, by the time I had reached to window to see what was occurring the only obvious thing was the fact that the wind was very high and the trees were bending and swaying in a most alarming fashion. Much rumbling and clattering followed and a dustbin hove in to view bowling merrily down the road spewing its contents as it went on its way.
Two things immediately rose to the surface in my sleep fogged brain. Firstly, today my son travels home on the ferry and secondly the possible damage to the garden. These two alarming thoughts were enough to concentrate my mind and I quickly dresses and called my son. Thankfully he seemed confident that all would be well and having next assured myself that the garden was fine I set about getting breakfast.
Before the tea had even brewed we had a guest at the table and I was cooking for three instead of two. This was not at all inconvenient as it saved my the bother of calling to let him know that his daughters cake was ready to be collected. By the time our guest departed the wind was tearing through the trees in the lane and I decided to go to the garden centre to purchase some canes to support my poor besieged plants.
There is little doubt that I chose the wrong day to bring home a dozen eight foot canes on the buggy, the lane was littered with bits of tree some of them quite large, I made it home but it was damned hard work. Pa and I were having coffee when my son called, the ferry had broken down, his mobile phone was on the fritz and he was flying home! With that bombshell we had to be content. I must say that whenever my son travel his journeys are invariably fraught with difficulties of every sort. I swallowed a tranquillizer and carried on!
Five O clock arrived and so did a text from my son to say that he had landed at Gatwick and was on a train heading for Clapham, my relief was great, bur not for long. My mother called to tell me that my brother and his wife are likely to be stranded in foreign parts by the volcanic eruption on Iceland. She cannot remember exactly were in the world they are and so aim hoping that they chose somewhere south of here. News reports say that the ash cloud will not cause as much disruption this time, let us pray!
On hearing that our wandering hero would be home by seven I gleefully cancelled my plans to cook some fish for dinner and elected to order takeaway when he arrived home, for once I really did not fell at all like cooking so that worked out well for me.
Travellers tales over dinner, and my son safe home , could anything be better, I think not.
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