I spent a large part of the morning ironing and packing my sons clothes for his forthcoming holiday. The morning was fair and through the open window as I toiled away the delectable sights and sounds of the summer garden tormented and enticed . Although I am happy to look after my family in every way I must admit that there are times when I feel like a Victorian Cook General or a maid of all work. There are, about the house many jobs which it seems always to be taken for granted are no ones business but mine.
Obviously the ironing is one of these, cleaning the bathroom, changing the towels, organising the laundry, the list is endless. There seems to be a belief that there is a magic fairy who, when no one is looking replenishes the soap dispenser, cleans the loo, and ensures that we do not run out of vital supplies. There have been numerous occasions when I have neglected to purchase some item or another and I am asked why I have not ordered this or that accompanied by the remark “We ran out two days ago.” .or “I used the last of it last week.” This is calculated to irritate me exceedingly as everyone has assess to a running list of items and should be able to add anything we need. Items of a personal nature such as a favourite deodorant or tooth paste do get added, it is the general items such as shoe polish, tomato ketchup or salad cream which often get over looked. Then of course it's “ There,s no Radox, or shaving foam, razor blades or fruity sauce.”. This accompanied by accusing looks at best and pained expressions at worst.
The belief that I am some kind of all seeing oracle who can penetrate cupboards by the power of though and also read the minds of others with regard to their needs may seem touching to some but this blind faith in my ability to know all is a total pain and leads to me having to hare off to the supermarket all to often.
The tenor of today's blog may well have a good deal to do with the fact that I have today spent several hours ironing the togs which my darling son is taking with him on holiday. This ironing including the re-ironing of a large number of already cleaned and ironed garments which have found their way off the hangers and on to the wardrobe floor..*!!!!***, as if having to iron the damned things once is not enough! Moan over.
Other than the above the day has been good, I got a little lie in this morning which was nice and our breakfast of crumpets and muffins with honey was lovely too. Dinner was a quick meal of gammon steaks with eggs chips and a hot tomato sauce and in between the two meals and the ironing I managed to water the vegetable garden, not much but better than nothing.
All the chores are done and we are watching Euro Vision, annual farce, but my son loves it , I think it is a load of unadulterated trash and I detest Graham Norton so I shall have a tough night. What saves the whole thing is my sons hysterically funny commentary throughout the whole thing and the inevitable scoring at the end, on which bets are laid. Last year I laughed so much that I hurt my ribs.
Sunday tomorrow which means no blasted postmen, no U.P.S. no Fed. X no City Link thank The Lord. This morning we had one of each before ten each of which hammered on the door so loudly it felt like a police raid. Really I should hate to have a hangover, their attentions could be fatal.
I can think of nothing more to write and so now I must post this blog and start paying attention to the entertainment of the evening....Ho Hum.....
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