Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Tomorrow I am off to see the Doctor, not my Doctor, a Doctor, you see I am in the unusual position in that my own G,P and the G.P I saw when she was absent both left in the same week. This has lead to confusion as shortly before she left my doctor had sent me for a scan as I had been experiencing severe pain much identical to that caused by the kidney stone I suffered from some years ago.

Off I went , had the test and two days later the other Doctor called to say that they had found a stone and some thing else ( she did not really specify what) and that I would be refereed to the Urology clinic. This was about three months ago and I am still waiting for the referral to come through.
Some weeks ago I rang the surgery and was told that the referral had been requested, last week I called Urology and they knew nothing about it........hum....I suspect that somewhere along the line there has been “an oversight”.

You would be correct in thinking that I am rather anxious to know just what the “something else” that the scan revealed could be and I feel that I have waited long enough. Tomorrows appointment should be my regular blood pressure check up and prescription top up, I think that the chances of my blood pressure being normal is practically zero, add to this that I am seeing a Doctor who knows nothing about me and will most likely not have enough time to find out and you see my problem.

The last time I was obliged to see a different Doctor she messed up my medication to such an extent that I ended up very ill for several months. Why is it that a new Doctor always thinks that he or she knows better than the one you have been seeing for years and who knows you inside out , so to speak? Perhaps I am meeting trouble half way but I am afraid that bitter experience is the cause of my apprehension...time will tell.

What a pestiferous day this has been weather wise, during the course of the day I have been soaked to the skin three times in and attempt to do a little gardening, at one point I was stranded in the shed while a hail storm passed by and the stones were the size of dried peas, just what I needed, I don't think! However the strawberries are doing well and the gooseberries have plumped up nicely after a good soak last night, with luck I shall be able to make some more jam tomorrow.

My son's first night back at work after his three week break went quietly and he seemed cheerful this morning though tired, he never complains bless him and I had toast and coffee delivered to my room this morning, it was lovely to wake up to such a treat. For once I did not wake early and I put this down to the fact that I had a large glass of Jamieson whisky at around midnight. I have not touched whisky for years and I enjoyed it more than I had expected. The last time I drank the stuff was before my son was born when I had a siege with a bottle of Culross whiskey while in Scotland. I sat on the shore of Loch Ness all night with a local man famous for having seen the Beastie, we drank two bottles of Scotch an I saw absolutely nothing which tends to suggest that there is nothing to see. On the other hand I did not see any pink elephants either so perhaps I had not drunk quite enough.

Every thing looks better for a little rain except my hair which is now curling and will soon be a frizzy mess so I am off to wash it before I get too tired. Keep safe , night night.

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