I have been just about every where today, it has been one of those days when there are lots of small unrelated tasks that need attention. After a cup of tea and a chat with my son I packed him off to bed and went off to the kitchen to make today's bread, I used three quarters white flour and a quarter spelt flour today, it makes a light loaf with a lovely nutty flavour,four pounds of flour make three good sized bloomers that will feed us for at least two days, I hope.
Then leaving Pa to wash up I set off for Home base to buy the paint for next week. There were of course other purchases to be made, sand paper, masks, and a rather swish paint pad set which should make the job much easier as this will be my son's first attempt at decorating. This morning he told me he was looking forward to doing the job, he likes a challenge. I intend to have a go at painting one wall in my room as the paint is fine every where else, I have chosen a very pale sage green as it should match the four patchwork quilts, one for each season, that adorn the bed. They were gifts from my son over the past year or two, in fact every where I look I see evidence of his kindness and generosity. He loves to give happiness and he is always planning surprises for us, I cannot begin to tell you how much he is loved by his adoring parents.
Back from my shopping trip I headed for the garden to pick today's crop of wine berries,little jewels, they truly are the prettiest of all the fruits. The shallots were ready to pull so I harvested them and left them to dry on the bench in the orchard, I do hope it does'nt rain! I also I regret to say was obliged to pull up a large amount of thistles that had sprung up among the leeks, and further more I have the prickles to prove it! Finally I set up the hose to water the vegetables as once again they are as dry as dust then back to the kitchen for a well earned coffee.
By now the bread was cold so I prepared my son a packed supper of chicken sandwiches, with the usual adjuncts of crisps and salad cream, a preference which goes back to his childhood. Dinner tonight was another childhood favourite of scrambled egg and bacon muffins, whole meal muffins of course. This meal is not my ideal but it has the virtue of needing no advance preparation and on a day like today, it was a good choice. The jelly did not set in time for yesterday so we had it this evening, jelly is a favourite with all of us.
I observed that the laundry baskets were all overflowing so as a final chore tackled some of the laundry, then it was time to get my son off to work. Phew, what a day. I hope there is a good,film on TV tonight I have watched X2 twice this week already. Oh I almost forgot, to tell you, last night I counted six hedgehogs on the path in the front garden, that should cut down the slug population considerably, I hope.
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