Today was the perfect day for me, the sort of day that I should dearly like to have more often,today I spent the whole day in the garden. To begin with we had a very simple breakfast of buttery toast, fresh orange juice and a very large pot of good strong tea, the garden was still cool and pleasant and a fine fresh breeze made it perfect after the heat of these past few days.
Then I collected my tools and away I went. Everything needed hoeing and the sun soon dried out the weeds. The kale needed netting again, it has grown so quickly and if it is allowed to peep through the net the perishing wood pigeons scoff the lot!
Then I removed the strawberry nets, and put them away in the shed, they have been half off for a while to allow the cat access to the mice. The pumpkins and squashes are putting out long runners and I have put in tall canes to divert them - they smother any thing in their path, so they need strict control. At this point I ran a large splinter of cane into my finger and spent a merry half-hour poking it out with a fine needle, horrible.
Next came the fruit picking, strawberries, redcurrants and loganberries today, I took the lot round to the boys next door, I must say they did not look very happy, then I remembered that I sent some round yesterday, the poor souls were to polite to mention it ..ho hum!
Lastly I picked a huge bowl of crispy lettuce to accompany the evening meal which was a whole chicken roasted with lemon slices and butter pushed under the skin and sprinkled with sesame seed.
This was served hot with the tortillas I made yesterday and a spicy tomato dip, avocado and lemon dip, A creamy dip made with fennel, parsley, tarragon, chives and coriander chopped and added to some mayo, coleslaw, fine slices of red pepper, celery and spring onion completed the feast. We just about had enough room for a small slice of lemon drizzle cake...I am sure I ate too much - I am also sure I don't care.
Tomorrow starts my son's off week, we seem collectively to be visiting every local medical department over the next few days.......what fun!
Still I have truly had a wonderful day and nothing can spoil the happiness that a day in the garden brings to Avie in her small world.
Night Night.
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