My son woke me this morning with a lovely cup of tea, the best way to start the day, as I gratefully sipped the hot tea he regaled me with an entertaining account of his night at work …......and gave me my first surprise, Pa was awake!
This is a rare occurrence these days as he suffers from narcolepsy, a condition that causes the sufferer to sleep much more than is normal. His consultant at St Tom's increased his medication last Friday and I must say there seems to be an improvement already, It is so nice to see him up and about, and more alert, he has had a rough trot these past few years bless him.
The post arrived as I was having my second cup of tea bringing surprise number two. I ordered a lovely honey pot on line last Friday to replace one that was broken, I could not believe my luck when I found one almost the same for just three pounds fifty. OK, the postage was a fiver but it is still a fair price I think, and I was not expecting it to arrive until next week. It looks lovely with the breakfast crockery and I shall enjoy using it I know.
I lay awake for ages last night listening to the wonderful sound of rain, I can understand why Japanese gardeners plant broad leaved trees in their gardens to have the pleasure of the sound of rain drops, It is truly beautiful, especially after such a long dry spell, the garden looked gloriously fresh this morning and the birds who are just coming out of moult were very joyful as they splashed about in the puddles.
We needed a few things from the village so after a breakfast of kippers with bread and butter I got ready to set off, It was just as I was getting changed into out door clothes (I am notorious for tatting about in my pyjamas) that my mother rang. She is a dear little woman pink checked and white haired; when she was young she had the looks of a film star, I wanted so much to look just like her but it was not to be, hey ho........... I digress, she chatted away about this and that and then remarked that my nephew's baby would be born any day now ! This came totally out of the blue, bear in mind that I phone mum at least once a week and until today she had not mentioned the fact that I am to be a great aunt again, surprise number three, I already have two great nieces and am beginning to feel positively ancient as a consequence.. Almost all my family live in the north of England and because of poor health I seldom get the opportunity to go home for a visit, I miss my brothers very much but most of all I miss mum, still we have long chats on the phone but that as you can see is no guarantee of knowing what is going on. My cousin died recently and to be unable to go to her funeral was very sad for me, although I knew she was ill I had not realised that things had suddenly become so serious.
Mum kept me talking just long enough for it to start raining again so I quickly headed for the village before the heavens opened in earnest, I made it home only slightly damp. On my return I made the pasta sauce for my sons favourite ,chicken and tomato pasta and prepared a creamy basil sauce for a mushroom and crayfish spaghetti for those of us who do not care for the chicken dish. We had time for a coffee this afternoon and treated ourselves to a piece of the rocky road I made yesterday.........scrummy but it plays havoc with the waistline, however I look at it this way, I have lived my life to the full and if I have a few wrinkles and grey hairs I have earned them and so am entitled to bear them with pride, the same goes for my expanding waistline. I was a hippy in the sixties and I am still a hippy at heart, just an ancient one.
When my son was in his teens he announced his intention of attending an all night rave, he looked quite put out we said fine, as long as we knew where it was. I a fit of irritation he exclaimed “Fine parents you are, how can I be a rebel when you won't give me anything to rebel against.” A sad indictment, we still laugh about it all these years later.
I shall have a lazy evening tonight, maybe play pinball or solitaire, perhaps I shall watch a DVD, while my husband gets on with building his model railway, the world as they say is my lobster. Night night.
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