My son has decided to decorate his bedroom on his next week off. His announcement has caused a good deal of perturbation for as everyone knows in order to decorate a room it first has to be cleared of its contents. At this point I must tell you that his room is much like the TARDIS in so far as it is a smallish space which contains a very great deal. Book shelves line the room on all sides from floor to ceiling, the space under the bed houses a life times collection of boxed games and those are just the ones he no longer uses,the rest
cover another set of shelves. Then there is the DVD collection, literally hundreds. This little lot in company with a lifetimes collection of curiosities and objects de art once moved will mean that the bath room will look le Bonham's store room for the greater part of next and games!
After breakfast, boiled eggs and soldiers, and with the kitchen cleared I decided to clear out a cupboard in my bedroom. Apart from the obvious clothes, bedding and spare curtains this space has become the repository for all the odds and ends that other members of the family are attached to sentimentally but for which they have no room in the own cupboards. Getting anything out of this badly overcrowded space is time consuming and down right dangerous, I was once buried in there for over an hour when a huge pile of throws tumbled of the top shelf,there was no-one in to here my anguished cries for help and when I eventually fought my way out I was black and blue.
Without going in to too many details I threw out five large bin begs full of old videos boots rucksacks and even an ancient hoover. I have taken a chance that some of these items may be missed by their owners but if that happens the rubbish will not be collected for a week so they can go bin diving if they wish; on condition that the junk does not return to my cupboard. It looks much better now and I can actually hang my clothes in there,for a while a least! Also I found a beautiful moth roosting in a dark corner,a bonus in the middle of an unpleasant task.
Today we are having lasagne for dinner and a home-made blueberry jelly, if it sets in time, if not we shall have iced cream instead. The vegetable garden is yielding a good crop of French beans this year and I have never had so many wine berries before, it's good to see the apples getting bigger by the day and we shall soon have some squashes if all goes well. My poor boy was shattered this morning but he still made his old mum a cup of tea and we had a chat before he went to bed, wonder of wonders, for once on a Tuesday the bell ringers were silent, a blessing indeed as it made it easier for him to go to sleep.
Looking forward a week or two we have decided to hold a back-yard sale in conjunction with the boys next door as they have lots of stuff they don't need, One man's junk is another mans treasure as they say.
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