Saturday, 3 July 2010


I decided to have the day off! No cooking!!! I even got the boys to agree to have a chinese for dinner!!! So there I was, all set for a day in the garden, tying the tomato plants and the sunflowers. Transplanting the young leeks to their new bed, hoeing up the weeds in the pumpkin patch and among the kale, picking herbs to dry for winter use picking strawberries and tayberries.....deep sigh.............I did none of this. After a chaotic morning lurching from one crisis to another , non of which were of my making I hasten to add, I was left with just enough time to do some ironing, make a dozen tortillas and have a cup of tea in the orchard, in a state of collapse and with my temper sorely tried. This was as close as I got to doing anything in the garden..

I also managed half an hour by the river were the cool breeze was most welcome, I was feeling frazzled and a bit sorry for myself, it was at this point that I noticed the heron. The tide was very low and the heron was standing on a partially submerged water tank dumped in the river by some clueless idiot. Only about six inches of the tank was above the water and about thirty inches or so below. In the tank was a large fish a carp I think,the poor old heron could see it but every time he took a swipe at it the fish dived as deep as it could, the heron was hopping mad but he would not give up.
The tide was still going out and I noticed that there was less water in the tank, so did the heron, he brightened up remarkably and just stood waiting for the water to flow out. His patience was rewarded though I admit it was hard luck on the fish

I am making no plans for tomorrow, no plans at all that way it will be a case of “Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall not be disappointed”

I hope!

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