The dungeoneers took possession of the kitchen again today, we were all up late and only just managed to clear away the breakfast dishes as the first of the heroic band arrived. They ordered massive amounts of pizza for lunch and I scuttled off upstairs to do the ironing, mostly shirts of which there were a great multitude. It was very hot work and took ages to complete, I shall say no more.
Hot and sticky, I took a buggie ride down to the river which was wonderful and very entertaining - as Ratty says, “There is always something going on”. A nitwit in a motor launch had managed to ground his vessel by cutting in too close to the bank and was obliged to wait for the tide to turn before he could continue his journey. More seriously, two children had paddled out into the main channel in an inflatable dingy and were unable to get back to shore, some people in a small launch staged a rescue, and gave the parents, who were in the pub at the time, a well deserved rocket. Moored on the dock was a beautiful sea going barge, there are so few of these left now that it is always a pleasure to see one at close quarters.
I watched a small motorboat slowly float away upriver, it's owners were in the pub and had not tied up their craft, they were found at last and one of them set about retrieving his drifting vessel by swimming out and hauling it back to shore; rather him than me, most people do not realise that a great deal of raw sewerage is pumped into the river from an outlet on the island, I would be off to get a tetanus shot if I so much as got my socks wet!
On my return I planted up the Semper Vivens I bought yesterday in to a large round terracotta and then decided to go for another look around the garden centre. This time I managed to find an Aloe Vera, a plant which is very good for burns and also sun burn, we have used rather a lot of it of late. I also picked up a Sedum Acre or wall pepper as it is often called. This will be planted around the pots to naturalise the arrangement.
My son's guests left rather late so dinner was later than usual - I had been so busy that I had not eaten lunch and was starving by the time they left. I managed to ignore the World Cup, I have been avoiding it and Wimbledon for ages. Not that I dislike sport you understand its just that all the hype and rubbish that is talked about it on the television is irritating I find. Well, its back on the treadmill tomorrow as my son starts his week at work. No rest for the wicked as they say. I hope the promised rain arrives to cool things down a little, and spare the gardener from dragging hose pipes about.
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