To say that today was a bit peculiar would be like saying that Frankenstein's creature was a bit ugly.
To begin with my son had to set off at the crack of dawn to keep a medical appointment, a scan of some sort, add to that the fact that we did not get to sleep until about an hour before we were obliged to rise and you will have some idea of the chaos which ensued. We were like a couple of zombies and my poor husband was even worse.
My son departed in the nick of time an I endeavoured to motivate the “auld fella” to get up, have you ever tried moving a dead elephant........I thought not! I departed temporarily vanquished to the kitchen and made the day's bread, three white poppy seed loaves, swallowed a cup of strong coffee and returned to the fray. This time I met with success and much encouraged I prepared a breakfast of kippers with bread and butter and a pot of tea, my triumph was short lived as I had forgotten to lay the table, “Oh bum.” I remarked to no one in particular. Breakfast over I cleared things away and washed up in a hurry. Every other Friday we have a colossal shopping delivery from Tesco and you can be sure that if I am not ready for them they will be early, or if I am waiting for them they will be late, that's just Murphy's law. You could not move in the kitchen for bags full of stuff and at this point a delivery man arrived with an enormous parcel for the neighbours and “Would we take it as there was no body in?”
I am not sure who packed our shopping but I am sure no sane person would pack sugar with washing powder or packs of butter with leaky bottles of washing up liquid! I should also add that the number of incorrect articles was up to the usual average. Why in the name of glory replace twenty litres of milk with ten one litre cartons and ten half litre cartons and explain it by saying they were short of one litre packs, I ask you does that make sense to you, my mind is still boggling.
Shopping put away my son returned just in time to help, poor soul, and my husband who ahad an appointment at St Tom,s set offin a taxi to catch the train at Richmond station. I took a deep breath had a cold drink then went out to water the containers, in the orchard,under the apple tree I discovered a pair of disreputable old trousers and a t shirt which I disposed of at the end of a long garden cane........God knows where they came from, I had visions of some drunken individual wandering home in his under pants, not a pleasant picture so I will not dwell on it!
I spent an hour swanning around on the buggy then home to get the evening meal, cooked meats cheeses, pate and salad, no cooking hoorah. I think the heat is getting to every one I know my own temper is less temperate than usual. I have two three litre bottles of ice in the freezer and tonight I shall stand them in front of the fan, well it might work. See I told you it was freaky didn't I.
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