Up early this morning and had breakfast in the kitchen with my son, he seems a little down at the moment, that's not like him at all, any way we chatted away over several cups of tea and by the time he went to bed he seemed a little better. Pa was up in good time this morning as he had an appointment with his G.P. He left at 10:15am,”I won't be long”, he said. At 1:15pm I was still waiting for him to get back, he has never had any idea of time, an irritating habit which he shares with my mother, they are both Sagittarius you see.
While he was swanning about I got on with the bread making, two large white poppy seed loaves, a tomato flat bread and a honey and walnut roll. We shall have the flat bread with tonight's pasta, see I told you that would be my sons choice for dinner. As Pa was still absent I made a batch of marigold buns for tea, they are rather like a rich rock cake with marigold petals instead of currants, you feel as if you are cooking with sunshine when you bake these little beauties. Lastly I prepared a fresh lime jelly for tomorrow's sweet course, with luck I should have less to do tomorrow and with even more luck I shall spend some time in the garden.
Pa retuned at last and at 2:00pm we ate lunch, kippers, this is a meal my son detests and we endeavour to eradicate all track of their pungent aroma by the time he wakes for dinner, this can be difficult even when the meal is eaten early but so late in the day it was quite a task. I flew about lighting joss sticks upstairs and down sandal and patcholi until the place had the fragrance of a Persian market I got rid of the pong at last and I doubt if we shall have a problem with moths for at least a year.
Today on a late afternoon visit to hospital I lost my handbag. There was very little cash in my purse but the bag contained my mobile phone and worse than all my son's camera. I was dreadfully upset and without much hope called the hospital lost property office,behold a kind lady had found my bag and handed it in with it's contents intact. Wild with joy and speechless with relief I went to collect my bag. The security men were very kind to a dotty old dear and handed it over at once, I asked for the phone number of the good Samaritan as I wanted to thank her for her honesty, when I tried to call the number I could not get a connection it seems she gave a false number, so if the kind soul who handed in a large beige handbag at West Middlesex Hospital today is out there you have my heartfelt thanks and may blessings light upon you.
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