Phew ! What a scorcher, definitely not the day to tackle the ironing but there was such a tall pile of unironed togs that an avalanche was imminent so needs must, once more into the breach and so on! As my views on the subject of ironing are well known I have said enough. Breakfast was amusing in so far as my husband kept falling asleep with his head on the table, just like the dormouse in “Alice in wonderland,” it made us wonder if he had narcolepsy too.
It was a lovely meal, hot buttered crumpets croissant and strawberry jam and pumpkin seed muffins with honey, we had those to give me an excuse to use the new honey pot. My son was every bit as tired as his Pa and as I slept badly last night we were like a trio of zombies for most of the day, watching us trying to keep each other awake was enough to make the cat laugh.
I have prickly heat at the moment and devilish uncomfortable it is, I thought it was something babies got in hot weather and which made then crotchety, I have to say I can quite see why. Nasty little red spots that itch all the time,I am told that free circulation of air around the body is the best cure, well I ain't frying bacon in the nude - it's too darned dangerous, and would certainly put everyone off their breakfast. Once the weather cools down all will be well.
I made a large batch of tortillas in the morning, these with a lemon and pepper chicken, crispy salad and an assortment of dips made a very suitable meal for a hot day. There were enough windfall apples to make our favourite apple pie. It is not really a pie at all it is a sort of very soft shortcake with apples sandwiched in the middle, between now and October we will eat this dish most weeks.
We had a laugh last night. Very late indeed, after the aeroplane noise had stopped we heard a strange whooshing sound coming from the church yard, a ghost with flatulence perhaps? As a matter of fact it turned out to be two poor souls desperately trying to get the air out of the huge bouncy castle which had been a kiddie magnet at the fĂȘte. The antics and the language of these two unfortunate individuals was hardly appropriate for a church yard but it was very funny and we had a grandstand view from the bathroom window. I doubt if the poor souls got any more sleep than I did.
My son very kindly picked up three large bottles of Magners pear cider on his way home this morning we all like it very much so it disappeared quickly at dinner, I think I shall get some for the weekend and also some cans of Boddingtons bitter. Back in the seventies we used to drink draught Boddingtons at a pub close to the brewery. It cost twenty pence a pint, times have changed, back then you could have a good night out for five pounds including a meal and coffee. My God I sound like my mother, I think I will say no more.
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