What a grumpy bad tempered miserable old baggage I was yesterday, I make no excuses I am what I said. My sincere apologies to any poor soul who had the misfortune to read yesterdays blog, I can say no more. Today was so much better, I think a good nights sleep helped a lot, and everything seems to have gone smoothly, every one doing their bit, in fact total cooperation all round. I can only conclude that I must have looked very dangerous yesterday, I can be a bit scary when on the war path. Well I shall have to be extra nice to make up for being such an old grouch!
My son came home in a better frame of mind than I expected, things at work are not going according to the manual at present I understand, in fact it sounds to me as if they never had a manual to begin with.....hey ho!
After he was safely off to bed I made boiled eggs and soldiers for breakfast with orange juice and a large pot of tea, lovely, and my favourite breakfast meal. Then I set about preparing the vegetables for tonight's soup. Baby carrots small white turnips spring onions and red onion, some celery, young cabbage leaves and kale were assembled and together with half a red pepper were diced very finely and fried in a little olive oil for about five minutes. Next I added about two pints of chicken stock, salt and pepper and set aside,it needed only fifteen minutes cooking time this evening and tasted very good with lots of yesterdays bread. The key lime pie which I made yesterday was also well received.
Earlier in the day I popped out to the shops for a few odds and ends, we had run out of bananas, almost a hanging offence in this establishment. I kept on bumping into people I have not seen for ages. Of course we exchanged the usual politenesses. “Lovely to see you.” True. “You haven't changed a bit.” Not true. I know for a fact that I have put on over a stone in weight since last we met! And I must admit to being equally untruthful, still these little white lies make the world turn more smoothly I suppose. One could hardly accost a long lost acquaintance with “My God you look haggard.” Now could One?
I spent some time in the garden this afternoon tying up tomato plants and sunflowers and picking a pretty bunch of flowers for the living room. I shall have to do some serious weeding as soon as possible and certainly the paths will need strimming before long. I do love gardening, every day there is something new to see or do. I get such pleasure from just watching things grow.
There are a few fruits reddening on wine berry bush, when there are enough I shall make a vanilla blancmange and decorate it with these pretty fruits, it,s another of our funny little traditions. If it turns out well I shall put the recipe and a photo on one of my blogs, if it collapses, and it has been known I shall still put it on as a penance for yesterdays unpardonable fit of the grumps.
Village fair tomorrow hooray!
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