Nobody slept well last night, it was just too hot, I expect you had the same problem. A happy consequence of this was that my son and I were up early and between us tackled a good deal of house work, he looks after his room as I may have mentioned before. Waking sleeping beauty who had managed to doze off in the early hours took quite a while,still by 10:30am we had cleaned the whole top floor and finished breakfast, a record for this establishment!
I prepared the vegetables and meat for the evening meal, cleaned the kitchen and sorted the laundry things were going very well. My son had an appointment with the medico and returned with no change in his blood pressure and more pills. Then the new television arrived. I have always had very small sets but as my eyesight deteriorates a larger one has become a necessity, also I rather fancy one of those new Xbox gadgets, the one with drums and guitars and so on and a larger T V will be useful,and my son will be able to show me how it work
With my mind boggled by the instruction manual a handed it to my clever son and buggied off to the local garden centre,my husband likes Semper vivens and luckily they had some beauties today. As I was leaving acquaintance asked me if I had heard about the hose pipe ban......I hadn't! I drove home as fast as it is possible to go on a mobility scooter eager to water my gardens before tomorrow, the ban was to begin on Friday. I was in a flat spin, so I thought I would check online and logged on to the Thames water web site, behold there was to be no ban, in fact their web site took to task the media who have apparently been spreading alarm and despondency amongst the gardening fraternity. Whilst thoroughly relieved I would have cheerfully given to the false prophet at the garden centre a swift kick in the pants!
With peace of mind fully restored we enjoyed our dinner and made plans for the weekend, then I retired to do battle with the remote control, I am useless with gadgets, I truly believe I would have been more at home in medieval times than in the present day.
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