During the past few weeks my time in the vegetable garden has been sadly limited and it certainly showed when I advanced upon the weeds this morning. The recent rain has caused an upsurge of every thing including some undesirables such as lesser burdock and nettle. The main problem was the strawberry bed now finished for this year but full of young ash plants, I filled a large wheelbarrow with them and pulling them up was hard work. We are surrounded by ash trees and every year they make a prodigious amount of seed most of which because of the prevailing wind fails on our garden. Left to it's own devices the garden would soon become a woodland,actually that's quite a comforting thought in a way.
Strimmer at the ready I tackled the grass pathways next, I have a petrol strimmer, a birthday present from the boys three years ago, and I would hate to be without it as it makes short work of all the grass in the orchard . The only problem is the weight which is getting a bit much for me, I think a harness will solve the problem and it's on my shopping list for the garden next year. Next I cleared a couple of old spring salad beds ready to sow again for a late crop of corn salad and curly endive to enjoy in the autumn.
I can hardly believe it will soon be August, the summer is passing so quickly. The garden shows the time of year with rows of tall curly kale, thickening leeks and well hearted autumn cabbages. The Bromley apples too are quite large now, soon the herb jellies will be made, a winter store cupboard staple for us and made in large amounts. For now though I intend to enjoy the blue skies, fluffy clouds and the warm evening air, it's much to early to dwell on autumn don't you think?
My son had a house full of friends again today, they ate there way through a large box of shortbread and from all the laughing seemed to enjoy themselves enormously. Pa went to Homebase in search of door knobs........ don't ask, and to put some air in the buggies tyres, he likes to get out as much as I do and it's lovely to trundle about on a nice warm day. Back indoors I bagged the bathroom for long enough to wash my hair, I had run over a rotten apple or two with the strimmer on the result was unpleasant, by the time I came out there were a few people stamping about on the landing, I think I finished in the nick of time.
I observe that once again the mozzies have feasted well and I look very poxy indeed even jungle strength repellent does not deter the little blighter we have our own special breed here about they come from a sewage plant about a mile away and infest the area for miles around. There has been much promised as to the eradication of these little pests but very little action so far. During the election it was suggested that the prospective candidates disported themselves in the lane by the river for half and hour one evening, when they all expressed sorrow at having to decline our hospitality no one was at all surprised.
Tonight we had celery soup with crusty bread followed by iced cream, we were all rather tired but we all agreed that it had been a good day all round.
Top Gear tonight, hooray and hopefully a good nights sleep. My son will stay up all night if he can as he will sleep tomorrow and then it's back to work for him and back on the tread mill for me.......I wouldn't have it any other way, we have such fun on his weeks off.
I hope you had a lovely weekend too and good luck for next week. Night night.
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