This morning my poor son continued his siege with the dentist, his second visit and in the knowledge that some serious work was to be done, I confess to being rather nervous on his behalf. He set off after breakfast and to pass the time I baked three wholemeal loaves and a rare delicacy from Wales, bara-brith. It is a type of fruit loaf and is the very devil to get right, whether I succeeded or not remains to be seen as it has to stand for a week to mature before eating, I must say I am not sanguine as to its texture, it resembles a house brick in shape and colour and if I am honest in weight! My son returned bloody but unbowed and was obliged to drink through a straw for several hours. He was quite recovered by dinner time and polished off a three egg cheese omelette with half a loaf well buttered.
My husband set off to hospital at two-thirty to have a leg brace fitted, he was gone for quite a while, and when he returned he resembled a member of the Borg. Fitted to his leg and beautifully articulated was a smart black and silver contraption which even after much fitting still contrived to pinch. He is lucky they decided not to operate, I had knee surgery in February and it was not a resounding success. Fortunately they do seem to learn from their mistakes.
After the baking I decided to strim all the paths in the orchard, a poxy job for a hayfever sufferer, but as I am the only one who can use the blessed thing my straw is permanently short, if you will pardon the pun.
The bright spot on the horizon was the fact that the strawberries are almost finished which means I get a break from jam making.......or so I thought. Just as I sat down to eat my herb omelette there came a knock at the door. It was a kind friend delivering a small bag of jam jars and an enormous bag of the most splendid freshly picked cherries. Guess who's making cherry jam tomorrow, after I get back from My visit to the medic. Oh what I life I lead! Still my son has offered to help get the stones out of the cherries so I won,t complain as its a job I dislike, but then just think of cherry jam on a hot scone or a scotch pancake or with some cheese and biscuits or.......................
Oh yes if any one out there wants the bara brith recipe they are welcome to it, if all else fails it should make a great door stop!
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