Friday, 23 July 2010


This morning the fortnightly Tesco order arrived, well some of it, butter, ketchup, yoghurt, mozzarella cheese, tinned tomatoes and a number of other items failed to appear. As I had planned to make three trays of ginger shortbread this morning having no butter posed a slight problem and I was not at all happy as you might expect. So I called the number on the order form, I made two calls and I might as well not have bothered, apparently there had been a computer error and as these were additions they had “got lost in the system.” Just one small point, these items were not additions and I said so several times. In spite of this she kept repeating the lost in the system excuse, offered to deduct the service charge, what service? I came to the conclusion that I was talking to a not very well programmed machine so I gave up and ordered the missing items from Ocado, and as far a Tesco is concerned all I have to say is BUM to the lot of them, this is not the first time they have messed up but for me it will be the last.

Now for more pleasant topics. The buggie shelter arrived this afternoon and I anticipate some fun and frolic in putting the thing together, the air will be blue with purple edges by the time it is done.

After a breakfast of hot potato cakes and muffins we accomplished all the Friday chores in good time and as we were having fish and chips for dinner and I had no cooking to do I gave myself a half day off and disappeared for a while, only to the garden centre but it was a nice break. Once home I had an hour or so watering the garden and picking fruit, lots of wine berries and as they freeze well we shall have plenty for winter use.

My stiff neck is much better today thank the Gods, that coupled with the cooler weather makes me feel more energetic so everything went smoothly. One odd thing though, whilst cleaning the bathroom this morning I evicted seven huge spiders, I hate the blessed things and by the time I had finished I was a nervous wreck! I cast them from the bathroom window in terror, I hope they are not homing spiders, I once evicted a six legged spider from the bedroom on four separate occasions, now how many six legged spiders can there be in a small house, paranoia is setting in I think.

My poor son is off to the dentist first thing in the morning and I have promised to have an early breakfast with the condemned man, I doubt if we shall resurrect Pa at such an early hour.

In spite of small annoyances today has been good, the whole house is clean and tidy and everyone is happy in spite of dental appointments and the vagaries of Tesco and the sky walker sun flowers are just opening up, life is sweet.

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