Today seemed to go on forever, not in an unpleasant way, just that for once I seemed to have plenty of time to do things, without having to cut corners or hurry. We were all up early as my son had to have an EKG this morning at ten-twenty and needed to get to the clinic. Pa also had an appointment for ten-o-clock at Hospital and this proved more of a problem. Fortunately I did not actually resort to dynamite but it was a close call. The medication he has to take makes him sleepy, today's brilliant news is that they plan to reduce the dosage over the next few months so we are crossing our fingers for a good out come. I should add that this is a different medication to the one they are increasing. Getting the balance right is what causes the trouble.
Having at last got the house to myself, a rare occurrence indeed I had a leisurely breakfast of toast and marmalade orange juice and a pot of tea..........lovely. Then taking the bull by the horns I set about making the promised blancmange, as the wine berry bush is now in fruit.
Vanilla blancmange
3oz cornflour
2 pints of milk
2 oz caster sugar
a few drops of vanilla essence
You will need a two pint mould or a pudding basin
Mix the cornflour with a little of the milk and set the rest to boil,then pour over the cornflour mixture stirring like mad or it will go lumpy. Return to the sauce pan and bring gently to the boil still stirring, reduce the heat and cook gently for exactly four minutes, keep stirring or it burns. Add the sugar and vanilla then pour quickly into the mould, if you wet the mould with cold water it will ensure the blancmange will turn out. Leave to cool the refrigerate for at least twelve hours, then turn out onto a flat plate and decorate as you wish. One way of another you will see the result tomorrow, I tremble in anticipation, my reputation is at steak!
Next I grappled with the twice monthly Tesco order, their online shopping site is a ..*!..***. No wonder my son, who until recently performed this task prefered the Ocado site I think I shall use it in future for the sake of my blood pressure! On with the motley, or in this case the apron again this time so prepare jacket wedges with potatoes from the garden,seasoned with a little salt and a few sprigs of lemon thyme, very Jamie Oliver, these are to accompany some rump steaks, with salad and three dips, spiced tomato and garlic, tarrogon and crème fraiche and Italian herb and garlic. That should keep them happy for awhile.
I decided to clean the bedroom as it was looking rather untidy,not the nicest job but the result is always pleasing and I can never relax properly surrounded by a mess. My son returned, everything seems to be OK. Pa went straight out again to do some shopping an I revelled in having the kitchen to myself for a change, It usualy resembles a small railway station with people wandering in and out with bags of jam jars, or fruit or just for a chat. Only three-o-clock and all the chores done. How fantastic. I have really surprised myself as I got very little sleep last night, a combination of prickly heat and a sultry night. On the up side it gave me a chance to watch a couple of my favourite films. “A funny thing happened on the way to the forum” hilariously funny and “Ghost Rider” Nicolas Cage is gorgeous. Rather unsurprisingly I finally fell asleep watching the news. Perhaps next time I can't sleep I should try the news first!
I have a date with my son tonight to watch Top Gear, we are both addicts of this show and always watch it together. In my youth I was able to strip down cars, repair exhasts, and fit cyliderhead gaskets and so on, these days you need a computer and a degree in electronics just to change a spark plug. Fortunatly my little chariot has no such troublesome requirements,which is just as well as I am getting a bit long in the tooth for lying about under a broken down car covered in sump oil and axle grease and the only spark plug I mess about with now is the one on the strimmer. Wish me luck for tomorrow, if that blancmange collapses I shall be a laughing stock!
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