The cat Twiggy has excelled herself in the past twenty four hours, she has kept us at full stretch by hauling in one mouse after another most of them still alive and keen to make a run for it. Now as anyone knows who has ever had this problem it is damn difficult to catch a mouse in doors, even if you are a cat, and the trouble with Twiggy is that once they disappear she gets bored and goes in search of more amusing prey. It is while we are still looking for an abandoned mouse and off our guard
that madam returns with her latest acquisition and the whole business begins again. I have in the past found a mouse hiding in the bed, another in my slipper, and once discovered one sitting one the cooker top washing his whiskers while watching Twiggy deal death to another of his kind. This proliferation of mice only lasts as long as the fine weather when the windows are open all the time, usually if she trots in through the door with contraband we are able to field it and avoid trouble. With every window in the house wide open day and night the baggage can easily get the better of us, still it keeps us fit. I caught so many of her rejects last years my family began to call me Tiddles!
We had dry marinated chicken for dinner with jacket wedges salad and dips and the summer puddings That I made yesterday were well recieved.
I must spend some time in the garden tomorrow as I have some young leek plants to put in, with what has already been planted this should give enough to last all winter for soups and stews, but for now its salad salad and more salad, and if it gets much hotter I shall go on strike and they can have sandwiches for dinner...I jest of course.
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