Today I bit off rather more than I could chew. As soon as I got up I made the bread, three big loaves - three-quarter white flour and one-quarter whole meal, while they were rising it was a good opportunity to make breakfast, however a certain party was still in bed so I let off a few rockets, banged a couple of saucepan lids together and sounded a fog horn and at last after an hour or so resurrected the sleeping beauty. I am convinced that it would be less effort to communicate with the dead! Breakfast of bacon, eggs, mushrooms and fried potatoes was cooked and eaten and after I had cleared the kitchen I set about making six and a half dozen cookies, I love making biscuits, the kitchen smells lovely as they cool in their wire racks. My lord went off to get some odds and ends from the garden centre and while he was out I produced a key lime pie to be eaten tomorrow and set about the forth lot of washing up of the day. Then, having sorted out a huge pile of laundry I absconded to the garden to pick courgettes. The rain has made things grow wonderfully, including then fairest crop of slugs it was ever my misfortune to behold, and all with massive appetites I swear I could hear the blasted creatures chomping their way through the cabbages. Yuk!
With no time to remove the little blighters I hurried back to the kitchen to make fresh pasta sauce using rosemary, margaram, basil and lemon thyme from the herb garden combined with lots of fresh garlic,tomato puree, tinned tomatoes (ours are not ready yet) sundried tomatoes a little sugar, salt and pepper; the whole lot blitzed up in a blender. Then I sliced and lightly fried the sliced courgettes in olive oil and poured the tomato mix over them and cooked them for five minutes, then set them aside until later .More washing up,more laundry. By now I was pretty damn shattered and at this point His Grace appeared in the kitchen and passed a remark........inappropriate is I think the polite term.
There is an old rhyme which says:
She was a good cook as cooks go
And as cooks go she went
That,s just what I did. Speechless with pent up rage I buggied off to the river. In no frame of mind to return soon. Of course it did not last long and I did come back but as you can probably tell from the tone of the epistle I have not completely forgiven the old curmudgeon, I would have needed to stay out a couple of days for that.
The pasta meal was lovely, it is the first time I have made it this year. It is our custom as each new vegetable or fruit comes to the table to make a comment! There are enough courgettes to make a soup tomorrow, I must decide which recipe to use, probably the one my son prefers. As for the miscreant, he can have cornflakes for breakfast tomorrow while I wash my hair and go out in to the garden, aggravating a cook when she is in a tizzy is a dangerous game, you may as well annoy a rattlesnake or a tiger.
Of course the day was not all bad the lavender and thyme are in flower and full of butterflies and assorted bees, even the strong wind did not spoil their pleasure in finding so much nectar about and it is difficult to stay really cross when such marvels are disporting themselves about the garden.I think I shall make poached eggs on toast for his breakfast. After all its not his fault I'm a grouchy old ..*!...**. is it? Or is it?
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