Tuesday, 30 November 2010


What a relief, the Christmas cake finally went in to the oven at eleven thirty this morning and came out perfect, thank the Gods at four o clock. I have over the years tried many recipes with varying degrees of success, the following recipe is my own and the one I baked today
8oz butter
8oz soft dark brown sugar
1tablespoon of black treacle
5 eggs
4 tablespoons of sherry
5oz self raising flour
7oz plain flour
1teaspoon salt
1teaspoon ground mixed spice
half teaspoon of cinnamon

1 teaspoon of nutmeg
2oz chopped glacé ginger
4oz chopped glacé cherries
12 oz sultanas
12 oz raisins
2oz chopped dried apricots,soaked over night in the sherry
40z chopped mixed peel
I pre heat oven to 140oc-2750f- reduce by 20o for fan oven.

2 Grease and double line an 8” round or 9” square cake tin.

3 Cream the butter and sugar together and add the black treacle for the final minute or two.

4 Beat the eggs and sherry together, sieve the flours, spices and salt together.

5 gradualy beat half the egg in to the creamed butter and sugar. Fold in a third of the flour mixture . Continue to add the egg and flour mixtures until evenly mixed.

6 Mix in the remaining ingredients then turn into the prepared tin, smooth the top, then with the back of a spoon make a small round dent in the middle of the cake. This helps the cake to rise evenly.

7 Bake in the centre of the oven for 4-4and a half hours, it is wise to cover the cake with a piece of brown paper at the start to prevent it becoming too dark. To check if the cake is ready insert a skewer in the middle, if it comes out clean the cake is done.

8 Leave the cake in the tin to cool on a wire cake rack

9 Prick the top with a skewer and pour in about three tablespoons of Rum, Brandy or Scotch as you prefer.

10 Sore in an airtight tin and allow to mature for a few weeks. Cover with marzipan and ice anyway you choose.

There is time to make this cake before Christmas, good luck.

Monday, 29 November 2010


I slept badly last night and I became so bored that I sat playing Free Space on my computer for several hours. I watched my neighbour leave home early to avoid the tube strike and watched him return some time later having failed to get to work. As my son starts his week of nights tonight I did not wake him this morning, I began the laborious task of resurrecting Pa from his slumbers, an hour later,having called until I was hoarse, shaken and cajoled he was predictably still in the recumbent position. The bread was made, three barley corn loaves, the kitchen tidied, and I was still solus as before but with a frayed temper
I now began to resort to threats, the eyes opened........and closed again. Suddenly there was a shatteringly load hammering on the door, that did the trick, after dealing with to postman I returned to the Herculean task of getting Pa up and dressed............an hour later and he was up, dressed and having coffee, I was exhasted.
Load thumps from upstairs gave me the hint that my on was now awake so I began to prepare a very late breakfast of blueberry muffins large pot of tea. We all enjoyed the meal and had fun discussing the news and speculating of the possibility of snow.
With my son packed off to bed I decided to do a few chores, the waffle iron needed seasoning ready for use and as it can be a time consuming bussiness it was a good day to do the job. My neighbour arrived for a cup of tea at one and stayed until three and a jolly good natter was had by all, it cheered us all up.We pondered on what makes Monday was the worst day of the week, I think it goes deeper than just because it is the first working day, after all I do not go to work and I dislikw Mondays as much as the next person. Perhaps the Government should pay a fortune to some university or another to research the question, it is certain the they have spent money on dafter projects.

The kitchen was cosy today and I think that is why we always have visitor the smell of baking brings them in. I rather enjoy it, it is nice to be entertained while cooking, it makes it fun and besides I like feeding people,it,s what I do best
I shall be glad when my son gets home tomorrow as he is very tired and not quite recovered from the flue. He insisted in going out over the weekend and insists on going to work tonight. He hardly ever takes time off sick, he has a strong sense of duty and hates letting people down.

I think I shall fill a hot water bottle tonight as our central heating is fighting a losing battle with the draughts on out old cottage, I love the old place in spite of all and would not trade, I have always lived in old houses, they are far more interesting and alive than new ones, besides a hot water bottle is always lovely, I usually hug mine once my toes have warmed up, lovely.

Sunday, 28 November 2010


The saga of my sons Christmas fancy dress costume continued today, and I am happy to say that this time I was successful an sorting out the question of THE CROWN.
Feeling that time was against me I misguidedly ordered a crown from a fancy dress outlet on line, it looked great, the reviews were good and I was hopeful that my problem would soon be solved. The tacky item which arrived in the post a day or two later was, to be polite, not satisfactory, to be impolite it was A load of bloody rubbish!

In state of panic I decided that there was no alternative but to do it myself, so with a good deal more than” twopence for paper and string” I assembled all the necessary elements needed to construct the blasted diadem and off I went,. To cut a long story short with card board, silver spray, a feather boa, gold braid and a hand full of jewels as if by magic......I don't think.... the required bauble emerged. The sense of relief is great as this year I find that time seems to be galloping away and I still have much to do for Christmas. The robe is almost ready, just a little embellishment and that is it. The saints be praised.

The single minded pursuit of this trumpery item means of course that the Christmas cake did not get made today, frankly I do not give a damn. The crown looks good and my son deserves the best I can do.

Chicken. Bacon and mushroom pie served with sweet potato is on the menu tonight, hot , tasty and quick as I am not sure when the troops will return from battle(gaming down the pub)
I did manage a short spin on the buggy this morning and I really enjoyed it. I love dry frost weather, it is the cold damp gloomy days that I dislike. Each morning when I wake I half hope to see snow, this year with the buggy I shall be able to go out and enjoy it, if we get any that is.

Saturday, 27 November 2010


In the absence of my son I decided to get a large part of the baking done for the first part of next week, it was to became an all day marathon with numerous interruptions and much giggling.

My son left early this morning and his departure was not without incident. The taxi, booked to arrive at nine forty five was, of course late, now the only thing my wonderful son does not do well is wait. I was about to call the cab company when we received an agitated call from the driver, demanding to know our post code
, I of course complied only to be told that the post code I had given did not exist. I pointed out that I had been living at my current address for some years and had not until he mentioned it realised that I was living in limbo. This piece of sarcasm was utterly wasted on the driver who was, as I suspected suffering from an acute case of dippy sat nav, a nasty complaint to be sure. I gave the benighted individual minute directions and waited.................................ten minutes later I was again informed that my home did not exist. On looking through the window I observed a large white car parked in the lane and asked my son to pop out to see if it was our long awaited cab,it was. The driver then asked me in an aggrieved tone if I was aware that my address was apparently in a completely different street at the other end of the village.
He must have driven past the house several times and the name and number of our dwelling is writ large upon the gate, and while I am aware that our road is a little obscure I do expect a cab driver from a company who,s office is about half a mile away to know the immediate area area. He departed still insisting that my house did not exist and that I had wasted half an hour of his time, my parting advice to him was that he should switch off his sat nav and buy an A-Z, this went down very ill indeed and he departed with his feathers much ruffled!

Pa and I ate a leisurely breakfast after which I set about the baking, to begin with a large rich fruit cake, a dummy run for the Christmas cake I shall make next week, rather later than usual. While it cooked I riffled through recipe books looking for the recipe for biscuits called Cornish Fairings, it took ages as I have lots of recipe books, at last, success. Fairings are exactly that, a small spiced biscuit sold at fairs from mediaeval times up to the present day,. They are quite a crunchy cookie designed to be carried home from the fair as a treat for children , girl friend, or perhaps a mother, a softer crumbly biscuit would break so these were popular. They also keep for ages and are nice even if they go a little soft, I made eight dozen.
As the first batch left the oven my neighbour arrived...nice timing eh, quite a few vanished with several cups of tea. We sat about swapping gossip and giggling like school girls as we traded sat nav stories for over an hour. All this time I was loading and unloading the oven and by now the table was full and the kitchen smelled wonderful. At about three our friend departed stuffed to the gills, leaving me with aching sides, he is so funny.

Cleaning up the kitchen took ages and finally at six thirty Pa and I sat down to a quick meal of bacon, eggs, cheese and baked beans, it was all I had the energy to cook. It is now my intention to have a long hot bath. At the time of going to press, so to speak I have not heard from the wandering dungeoneer so I expect he and his comrades in arms are having a good time slaughtering each other, the things people do for fun!

Friday, 26 November 2010


Believe it or not I am a great fan of the children,s programme The Night Garden. For a long time O kept this small vice a secret as I feared it would call forth ridicule from the more sophisticated members of the family. Not having any small children handy is a problem as there is not excuse for watching the show, all my small nieces and nephews live in the north. I did not keep my secret very well as last Christmas I was given an Iggle Piggle toy and an Upsy daisy also, I had already brought a Macapaca for myself, slyly of course, evidently not slyly enough. Then there were the DVDs of the first two series, I was happy especially as there were not too many remarks about second childhood, you know the sort of thing.
Pa watched a few of the programmes and was hooked at once, it is powerful stuff you know. He began to call me Upsydaisy and it stuck, but I got even by buying him some blue Pj,s and a red fleece blanket, he looks very cute. Now my son is expecting to get a sponge a small trolley and a pile of round stones for Christmas, as if I would...............

It really was upsydaisy today as I had a nasty fall, unfortunately when I was alone in the house. In trying to break my fall I caught hold of the work top to save myself, I still fell and twisted my shoulder and wrist quite badly at the same time as hurting my already troublesome knee. I could not move for a while and as my arm was twisted up behind my back the pain was bad. Eventually I managed to shuffle forward on my bum far enough to free my arm and got to my feet as my son arrived home. I thought I was finished for the day but he used his healing abilities to good effect and as the pain began to subside he made a coffee for us both. Later I applied son Voltarol gel and was, happily able to compete the days chores, sore but still able to work.

He inherits this ability from my father who was a healer, headaches, toothache,sometimes it seemed like a miracle, I am certainly very grateful for the help I received today.

Fortunately I had already made four granary loaves and as there is nothing to cook tonight I shall have an easier time than usual.
The frosty weather is keeping the cat happy and she is out all day, now however she is sitting beside me as I write this toasting her small pink paws on the radiator and purring like a small engine. My son will be out all day tomorrow at a convention for dungeoneers, he has been looking forward to it for weeks, it is an annual event
and his group of gamers are all going with him so that will make it even more fun. I am glad when he goes out with his friends, for most of the week he too tired to do much socialising, the youth of today do not have the stamina of the kids when I was young, good grief, I sound like my mother!

Thursday, 25 November 2010


As I have perhaps I may have mentioned before my firm relief that if I truly need something providence will provide sooner of later. It has happened to me so often that I have to believe,and today it happened again. For some time now I have been in need of some new flat bed sheets and pillow cases. Unfortunately there has always been something more important to spend the money on. I stopped buying cheap poly cotton sheets years ago as they always go bobbley and wear out quickly, the trouble is that the really good ones cost a fortune and although they are an investment I was not inclined to out lay so much at this time of year.

I had been looking at some just two days ago and had decided that I should purchase a set of red and a set of cream with matching pillow cases in the as soon as possible in the new year. This morning my neighbours came round to see us and asked if I had any use for some bed linen. They had been a gift and were brand new but the colours were wrong for there décor being a set of red and a set of cream. Quite a coincidence don't you think, and 800 thread count pure cotton too, I was amazed and of course very pleased and promptly set to work on a large batch of buck wheat pancakes for their tea. I have this kind of luck so often, I have no idea why.

I had made plenty of pancakes I decided to do some sausage and bacon skewers with tabbouleh and spied tomato sauce, a favourite dish at our house and quick to make, which is as well as I do not seem to have done very much today and yet was short of time. I had intended to do some of the upstairs cleaning today and wash my hair,, I did neither of these things and I now wonder where the time has gone. Well the work will still be there tomorrow and it has been a very nice sort of day so that I have no complaints.
We are all piling in to my room tonight to watch “Have I got news for you”, a funny and often rather clever show, depending on the guests but always worth watching I think.
After that it will be early nights all round as we all have to be up early tomorrow and are still rather croaky having not yet managed to shake off the prevailing plague. In spite of everything it has been a lovely week so far, all of us at home, snug in our little cottage and full of plans.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Today Pa's new computer arrived. My son and I are buying him a little E machine,such as I have. I hope he gets as much pleasure and amusement for it as I do from mine. We shall set it up tomorrow so that on the day he can use it at once. We have purchased a mouse to go with it although it does not need one,I found that with I had problems using the touch pad as I too have arthritis in my fingers.

It is an exciting time as almost all our Christmas shopping has been done on line and so every day brings new packages for someone. These are always squirrelled away to be wrapped privately and placed under the tree. Yesterday I found some beautiful chicken egg cups on e bay and could not resist as they were very like a set of four I already have. I love them and we always use them at breakfast and I dread the almost certain breakages as Pa is rather clumsy due to his condition. Another six will keep things going and I am glad I found them.

Today on a trip to hospital I noticed a stall selling the most gorgeous scarves and could not resist buying one, deep blue velvet embroidered with beads and sequins and a scattering of jewels. It really sang to my as I passed the stall, I feel rather guilty about this purchase but console myself with the thought that it will probably end up as a gift to a relative of friend.

Our Christmas plans are well under way now and we have been deciding as to turkey ( bronze or white) duck, and the choice between venison and wild boar is proving tricky, I am glad I do not have to place the order just yet.
We eat lots of game in season,we got accustomed to it as we lived among a good deal of wild game. We are luckY now to have found a butcher who sell the real stuff, not farmed rubbish and who does not charge an arm and a leg for a haunch of venison so to speak. If any one is interested the name of the butcher is Gribble and his on line delivery service is second to none,I say this with authority as I have tried a few.
I had a marathon parcel wrapping session today,largely as until the presents go under the tree I cannot, with ease get in to the wardrobe,a walk in affair which has been sending cascades of stuff out on to the bedroom floor for weeks. After today I should be able to find a few lost articles of clothing without having to leave a twine clue to follow in order to find my way out.

Dinner tonight was lasagne...again. my son loves pasta but I fear that Pa and a I have reached saturation point with this meal as we did with chicken pomodori. Still it,s quick to make and I need all the spare time I can get.

Pa was fitted with his new leg brace today and we hope it will be an improvement, it looks good but he will need to try it for a day or two, we shall see.
Twiggy has enjoyed herself in the garden today, she does not mind cold and frosty, it is wet and windy that she detests. She will stay out late sitting on the garden seat watching the foxes and then stroll upstairs and stretch out on the bed as if she owns it, she will not move again until morning. I wish I could sleep like that, but think of all the beautiful owls, bats badgers and sunrises I should miss. On balance I prefer things as they are,

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


My poor son was so exhausted that he slept the clock round,we woke rested but with the head cold much worse. I had only managed to doze a little and on that account
this morning I felt as if my brain was stuffed up with cotton wool,very muzzy indeed.

We consoled ourselves with several cups of coffee before we began the attempt to wake Pa. To our amazement he woke almost at once and go out of bed quicker that he has done for ages. Over a nice breakfast of crumpets and jammy croissant we discussed our plans for the day, and since all we felt like doing was returning to bed we decided just to potter about and not do any thing too strenuous.

My son decided to put up his Christmas tree,he has decorated a small tree in his bedroom since he was a child and is quite an expert in the art. Pa pottered about doing odd jobs while I went to Home base to return a gas lighter,purchased last week which refused to work. Fortunately I had kept the receipt and off I went.
The lady at customer services tried it and behold it worked the first time, then I tried it and of course nothing happened,so she tried again. After about twenty clicks she managed to get it to light again.”See, it works.” she said. I pointed out that I felt that having to spend ten minutes lighting the gas cooker each time was not acceptable and as they were out of stock she gave me a refund.

Next I trundled on to Tesco to see if they had any. Round and round the store I went until I felt dizzy. During these peregrinations I asked five different assistants if they had any in store, they various replies were “No.”” Not sure.” “I think we have some somewhere.” “No.” and “I think we only have them in the summer time.” Much discouraged I asked where the large boxes of matches were and when I found them, behold, there were the gas lighters, two sorts of gas lighter!
I chose one and made my way to the tills, the queue was long and I had plenty of time to wonder why no one had been able to tell me where the lighters were, I have,during my last three trips asked repeatedly for the Merchant Gourmet Vacuum packed chestnuts, no one has been able to tell me. Now I know they have them because they advertise them on their web site unfortunately no one can find the wretched things, one member of staff remarked rather huffily that he could not be expected to know where things were if they kept on moving then about. How well I know the feeling. I have given up the quest and ordered them from Waitrose, he who laughs last....etc.

On my return I found the boys drinking coffee with a visitor, we sat chatting for ages and then I remembered that I was doing a pot roast for dinner and needed to get it in the oven P.D.Q. I was in a flat spin and as every one knows the more haste the less speed. I could not find the pot, the the peas would not mush....one damn thing after another, however eventually things worked out and our dinner if pot roast beef with roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and mushy peas with gravy was gorgeous, just the thing for three sneezy people on a chilly night.

The cat twiggy, very much in evidence during dinner was rewarded for her patience with some snippets of meat and went away delighted to curl up on the bed to wait for me.
My son's small tree looks wonderful and our large tree has been very much admired, I wonder ,however if most of our visitors think we are a bit odd,every one of then has said, we were early with our festivities or that it was the first tree the had seen. Christmas is lovely, the longer I can make it last the better. I once knew a woman who put up her tree on Christmas eve and took it down on Boxing day. To her and her kind I have just one thing to say.....”Scrooooooooooge.”

Monday, 22 November 2010


I really should have known better than to prattle on about my plans for this week,as always there has been a slight hitch, my son has developed a severe head cold and judging by my newly acquired sore throat I too have caught the blasted bug.
We breakfasted on hot potato cakes well buttered and with paper hankies very much in evidence,after which my son retired exhausted to his room,to be solaced by hourly cups of coffee.
With gritted teeth I proceeded to work my way through the morning routine of dish washing , laundry, and bread making. Having decided that a rich tomato soup would be pleasant for people with sore throats I roasted a tray of carrots,parsnip,pumpkin,onion ,garlic and red peppers, blitzed them up with two cans of tomato, a tube of tomato purree,sun dried tomatoes and stock. Pleased with my progress I rashly undertook the making of two ginger cakes for the daughter of a friend who's appetite needs tempting,it proved to be a job too far.
By the time I took them out of the oven I was feeling rotten and was obliged to go and lie down for a while.
With so much to do this state of affairs is a disaster and I must admit I felt a little panic stricken . Tomorrow has been cancelled, literally,my son has cancelled a medical appointment,the sorting out of the under stairs cupboard,,a two handed job as also been shelved. The special dinner I had planned will be postponed as I do not feel able to cook such a complex meal and in any case no one would want to eat it if I did. No scalextric....its too bad.
Pa has no trace of the pestilence at the moment but I will guarantee that the identical moment the rest of us start to feel better he will be smitten, thus poxing up another week.
On the plus side...................................sorry I can not find one.
The cat is the only one happy at the moment. As every one feels awful she has no shortage of laps to sit on and it is fortunate for her that this is so, as the weather today has been grim.
I have found a bright side but I refuse to discuss it on the grounds that to do so will jinx the whole thing. So Its hey-ho and of to bed I go with a hot water bottle and a glass of damson gin, one thing is certain, the others may sit about groaning tomorrow but dead or dying I shall be making cups of tea and coffee, offering sympathy to the poor sufferers and cursing the hard lot of women......silently of course!

Sunday, 21 November 2010


This morning began with a cup of tea delivered by my son on his arrival home from work, it was most welcome. I went to bed last night with a blazing sore throat and after getting to sleep at about five I awoke with all the symptoms of a cold in the head,my son also complained of similar symptoms. We both took a decongestant and he went off to bed while I began the day. After a couple of cups of coffee I felt better and cooked a breakfast for my self and Pa, nothing fancy, just boiled eggs with bread and butter and more tea. Pa was sleepy so after breakfast he had a little nap while I went out for some fresh air for half an hour,he was still asleep when I returned so I woke him up with a cup of coffee.

The ironing awaited my attention upstairs so I decided to get it over with, the cat kept me company but with an eye on the iron as she dislikes the steam it gives off. I wondered if a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the water tank would help my blocked nose while I ironed but decided that it would make the clothes rather pongy and gave up the notion. It is amazing how the mind wanders when doing such monotonous things as ironing.

I enjoyed myself later wrapping a few parcels to put under the tree and wrote out some more cards, the sort that need to have letters with them,sadly I must cross of several names this year as we have lost several friends and relatives to the grim reaper. The house was very cosy and bright with Christmas lights in contrast with the cold greyness of the day on the other side of the window. I love that feeling of being wrapped in warmth, I expect it stems from being brought up in an old farm house with more draughts that the average castle. Our little cottage has a few draughts of its own as do all old houses, nothing too dreadful though,just enough to let a little air in, that is unless the wind is in the wrong direction, at such times the draught rages through the kitchen with an ear splitting shriek, fortunately this does not happen too often.

Our little cat has had a lovely day curled up on the bed,only venturing down stairs to attend to her lunch and other pressing matters best not discussed. I hear that there may be snow up north tonight. In the place where I spent my childhood it always snowed in winter, it was always said that if it began to snow in Leek you had twenty minutes to get to Buxton before the roads were closed with snow drifts, our farm was snowed in for several weeks more than once, the fun we had. I learned to ski in 1963 when I was nine years old. That same year we built an lgloo in the field below the farm, no school for weeks.....sheer bliss.

Saturday, 20 November 2010


Have you ever noticed the marked lack of good will to all men to be found in shops and super markets at this time of year. Yes, I know it's usually awful at the best of times but at this festive season of the year there is more than the average amount trolley rage and down right unpleasantness in evidence. The poor souls who man the check outs deserve great praise for the way they remain impassive in the face of extreme provocation,rudeness and uncharitable remarks .the tree tops my glisten but the children do not listen to the exhausted pleas of harassed parents to stop screaming,running about, picking up expensive toys and begging without mercy for “just a little something …..NOW!”
Ladies forget that they are ladies and join the scrum around the aisle where the chocolates are on display. The jostle each other in the haste to lay hands on mince meat, Christmas puddings and crackers. Once while shopping in Sainsburys I watched in amazement as two women fought over a frozen turkey until one pushed the other in to the freezer head first this was some years ago, this was some years ago when I lived in Coventry but today I witnessed some thing even more unpleasant.
While waiting in a long queue at the check out the lady in front of me, having forgotten some item left her trolley and went to seek out the article . During her absence the woman in front of her in the queue began to examine the contents of her trolley and finding an item she liked the look of took it and placed it in her own trolley, by the time she had finished she had relived the unfortunate absentee off a total of three items . Though not exactly stealing it certainly falls under the heading of anti social behaviour. She seemed unconcerned that people might be watching and when the owner of the plundered trolley returned she struck up a polite conversation about the length of the queue and the weather......charming!
I cannot honestly say that I never get stressed about shopping, we all do but except for the attitude of other shoppers I have always found shopping for Christmas food rather exciting, a chance to purchase some of the lovely extravagant thing that normally I would feel guilty about buying.
Today I treated myself to a new apron to wear on Christmas day , my old ones are anything but festive. They are so tatty that when wearing them I look like a “rag man's strumpet”as my father would have said.
I am still in the throws of decorating the house, today I finished of the living room and made a start of the kitchen. My son starts his week off on Monday and I want everything to be ready as we mean to start the festivities with an early feast and a couple of afternoons playing with the scalextric.
I do love Christmas.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Today and yesterdy

From my maternal Grandfather I inherited quite a number of characteristic, long slim fingers, red hair and an incredibly long memory with almost photographic recall. I am able to remember events which occurred when I was barely eighteen month sold, often to the consternation of my parents who were of the opinion that small children either do not notice or soon forget things that happen when they are very young. I can remember running to my grandfathers home across the field with a cushion on my head because it was raining,I was two at the time. I wish I did not remember the night my cat Panda was drowned, I cried for days , I was three years old and vividly recall pleading desperately for her life, alas to no avail,in those days if was the usual answer to unwanted kittens. The memory of that dreadful night haunts me still.

There is however a magical glorious memory of a beautiful summer evening when I was five years old. I was sitting on an old gate, its timber silver with age and watching the cows coming home to be milked. The days heat had left haze in the air and the smell of crushed grass was wonderfully sweet. As the cows progressed slowly up the hill they stirred up clouds of pollen from the buttercups,floating all around them and gilding the air. In the farmhouse behind me the radio was playing such a heart heart-rendingly beautiful piece of music,I had no idea what it was but I was spellbound by the music and the golden pollen, I forgot to open the gate for the cows and the lead cow, her name was Fancy, pushed gently at my legs to remind me. Through my childhood the wonder of the music stayed with me,every note wound through with a haze of gold. I did not hear it again for many years,until I was thirteen and sitting for a portrait, suddenly there it was and now I knew what it was, it was Ralph Vaughn Williams Five Variantes of Dives and Lazarus. Now I could hear it when ever I wanted and over the years I must have listened with the same sense of wonder a thousand times or more, yet every time I hear the opening notes I am a child of five years old again and
, sitting on and old oak gate watching the cows coming home, their flanks gilded with buttercup pollen and the evening sun.

It was many years later that I discovered that the composer died in August of the year that I was five, I am so glad that I was not aware at the time that this was so.

Thursday, 18 November 2010


I am relieved to say that it has been quite ordinary, no alarms,no excursions, and not much hassle. My son arrived home early for once and I was given a lovely cup of tea in bed,our little cat who chose to spend the night down stairs came to see me for a cuddle; it was a nice way to wake up. Pa was up and about too and once my son had gone to bed I prepared a breakfast of boiled eggs with brown bread and butter, orange juice and a pot of tea.
Finding my self at last with time to spare I began work on my sons Christmas robe. I had planned to make a complete new costume but time and circumstances have not been with me so I am sprucing up last years and making some changes. I had brought quite a lot of fur for a new costume which will not be needed as there is already a fur trim on the old on. Using a can of silver spray I stencilled some ivy trails on to the front and when it dries I shall, I think decorate the hen in the same way.

Pleased to have at last made a start I then went on to wrap some more gifts and write out yet more cards, I am not a great fan of Christmas cards, what to do with then is always the problem. Stand them on a book case or the mantle piece and every stray draught will blow them down. Hang them on the wall and the string will break its moorings casting the lot to the ground. Once we purchased a card holder, it refused to keep the cards in place. These days I just white tac them to doors and cupboards and actually they look quite good.
What a dark sort of day it has been, apart from a short spell of sunshine early in the day it has never really been light. I love having snug days at home at this time of year, I only wish that my son could have a share of the fun, he adores the run up to Christmas as much as when he was a child. He loves to plan surprises has a hard time keeping Christmas secrets. We all behave like children at this time of year and my mother says that she despairs of me ever growing up at all,at my age I do not expect it will happen now.

I am planning a feast next week on the day my son puts up his own tree. A brace of pheasants with crispy roast potatoes, chestnuts and winter greens,not forgetting a special stuffing made with herbs from the garden. As you know my plans often go astray so the birds can always be braised if necessary and served with mash, but I do hope all goes well. The garden is full of hungry birds today and a whole flock of Long Tailed Tits has been twittering in the big
Ash tree at the side of the house all afternoon. Dinner tonight was a hearty main meal soup made with leeks, onion, potato fresh chicken stock, a blade of mace, a bay leaf and a carton of crème fraich. It is very thick and creamy, we like to have it with fresh bread of even hot buttered toast, it warms you up from the inside.
I slept better last night than I have for a long time, which is good although when I have my little cat with me it is not unpleasant to be wakeful, unless the pain is very bad, thankfully at the moment it is better than it has been for some time. Stay snug and warm, until next time.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


I an not at all sure that I shall be able to post this blog tonight as my internet connection is on the Fritz, even so I shall soldier on just on the chance.
I had determined to decorate our Christmas tree today, yes I know it is obscenely early but not only do we love Christmas but also I knew that today I would have the time to finish the job in one go. Things,as you know do not always go according to the manual in this establishment!

The bread was made, breakfast eaten and the dishes washed in good time and off I went to brave the dark spidery cavern which masquerades as a walk in wardrobe,the repository of much unused paraphernalia and the home of our large collection of decorations.
I located the items in question and was about to begin when the familiar sound of chain saws and strimmers came from the church yard behind our house. Those who have been reading this waffle of mine will know that we recently won a battle with the local Authority so stop the destruction of valuable wild life habitat ..What a pity some one did not pass the message on to the contractors.

Armed with a copy of the letter stating that not more work was to be done I grabbed a a full arm crutch and set off down the road like a knight galloping in to the lists. What followed was a verbal battle of epic proportions, my self , the contractors, and the dilly from the council,with occasional intervention from the contractors head office. Eventually they stopped. Needless to stay the committee is seriously displeased at this breach of faith ,yet we do not despair as we now have the Bishop batting on our side, we shall see. So after lots of phone calls ,a couple of shirty emails and a coffee I returned to the festive task of putting up the tree whilst pondering the destruction of yet more trees in the graveyard. Dressing the tree took ages but it is well worth the trouble. We have some lovely things to hang up, some are quite old, bought for me when I was a small child and still treasured. Others are more recent additions but all are loved and we greet them each year as old friends.

Decorating the house for the festive season takes several week and is done in stages, the wall decotations will go up in a few days, my son will put up his own tree in his room next week,and the kitche will be adorned with streamers baubles holly, ivy and fir cones right up until Christmas eve when the fresh holly and greenery is brought in. We really do celebrate the festival of winter with all our hearts. The cat twiggy was not at all happy with the disturbance but I know that within a day of two she will be found roosting under the tree.....what a poser she is....and will be quite bereft when we take it down again.
Dinner was a quick meal of fried chicken, I have a secret recipe for the coating, served with sweet potato and roast squash, and very tasty it was in spite of being done in a hurry
I note as I write that it is raining again I suspect that we shall all have webbed feet by the end of winter if it continues this way.

Sadly I have just learned of the death of my dear Uncle Jack, the nicest kindest most gentle and generous uncle any child could wish for. His goodness coloured my entire chilhood and has left so many wonderful memories to treasure for ever. My great sadness now is that I shall be unable attend the funeral as I cannot travel with Pa and he certainly cannot be left alone. My Uncle would understand, I only hope that the rest of the family are as understanding. Oh well it can not be helped on the day I shall sit quietly and remember all the fun and happiness that always surrounded the most amazing Uncle in the world, he really was magical to me,

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


The view from our bathroom window
There I was, all the chores don, a meal that needed no preparation and the long sought balloons to hand, all afternoon in fact to make the head dress for my son's costume. I should nave known that it was to good to be true, With everything assembled I discovered that some benighted idiot had not screwed the lid on the copydex properly and it had formed a rubbery lump , this was made worse by the knowledge that I was, most likely the benighted idiot in question!Hey-ho and off to the shops to buy more balloons and copydex. Having left rather hurriedly I was half way there when I realised that I had left my purse on the coffee table in the living room, muttering darkly I returned to collect it and then set out again, this time with a rug for my knees as it was damned cold.

I whizzed round the shops so fast I made myself dizzy and returned home in haste. Practically all the spare time I had was now used up so I resigned my self to preparing my son's packed meal for tonight and then started the preparations for a dinner of toad in the hole and baked beans, a very large one. I usually make the batter several hours before I mean to use it as I find it rises better, this time how ever it only have about thirty minutes standing time and I was surprised that it turned out so well. Today was the first time I have needed to use the lights on the buggy. It was very foggy all through the day and actually became worse during the afternoon. People tend not to see us buggy riders at the best of times so I was not taking any chances.

During the cooking of dinner I very stupidly managed to acquire a nasty burn on my thumb, this I suspect will cause trouble for some days to come. Luckily I had a aloe vera plant handy and quickly snipped of a piece to rub of the burn, it took the pain away and will,I hope help the healing procsess.
I have decided not to make any plans for tomorrow other than what to cook for dinner as these days something always seems to happen to mess things up. Still as my old granny used to say “The work will still be hear when you are long gone.” And on that cheery note I shall bid you all goodnight,

Monday, 15 November 2010


Have you ever been given one of those fiendish little puzzles,usually found in Christmas crackers, you now the sort of thing , eleven square pieces of a picture and a space. The idea is that you move the pieces around until the picture is formed, well I have spent a couple of hours playing the game , but with the living room furniture. We have been given a beautiful, but very large leather armchair. It is perfect for Pa as our own chairs are rather to low for his comfort. It was obvious from the first that at least one of our chairs would have to go,but after two hours of musical chairs both I and the cat had had more than enough and I took an executive decision and got rid of both of our armchairs.
After moving every remaining piece of furniture at least three times I eventually sorted things out and achieved ,what I hope is a pleasing result. The room looks very cosy and I hope that the new addition will make things easier for Pa.

It has been quite a nice day, for a Monday. Breakfast went well, lots of bacon sandwiches with brown sauce....yum! Then I nipped out quickly to but some balloons in order to make a crown, yes a crown. Making Christmas costumes for the kids does not end when they leave school I find.

I loved being out in the frost, it reminds me of my home in the north of England..eh up and ecky thump! Cottage pie for dinner so I took the opportunity of peeling lots of extra potatoes in order to make a large batch of potato cakes tomorrow. Then I did the ironing, that scourge of all women kind, that devils own torment, that perpetual menace......as you can see I HATE IROING!
My son starts a new week of night shifts tonight so we shall be creeping around like mice for the next week only to have some one hammer on the door the moment we turn our backs, such is life.

I begin to wonder if Pa will have the chance to use his new chair, the moment I placed it in it,s final position the cat curled up on it and has not moved a whisker since, except to cast a dangerous look in my direction when she thought I was going to move her.....an unwise act which a shall avoid if possible. Twiggy in a bad mood is a formidable beast indeed!

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Phew! What a day. Finding myself with an almost empty house, most unusual on a Sunday I decided to get some of the weeks baking done. Breakfast happened in two sittings as Pa was not well this morning but once the dishes had been cleared I began by making six dozen oat and treacle cookies, enough to fill the biscuit tin and plenty to spare. Next on the agenda were a pair of lemon drizzle cakes, I had not intended to make these today but one of the boys next door is very partial to this particular cake and was getting a little whist full as I have not made one for a few weeks. It is a very easy recipe.
6oz sugar
6oz soft butter or (I hate to say it margarine)
6oz self raising flour
one and a half teaspoons of baking powder
3 eggs
Grease and line the base of two 8”sandwich tins and heat the oven to 180oC
put all the ingredients in to a bowl and mix for about three minutes until blended, halve that if you use a mixer.
Bake for thirty minutes
Rind and juice of two lemons
6oz granulated sugar
grate the lemon rind in to a bowl and then squeeze in the juice, add the sugar and stir well, do not try to dissolve all the sugar, it will drive you potty. When the cakes are done leave them in the tin, and with a fork make lots of holes. Then pour half of the lemon topping on to each cake. Leave them to cool in the tin and turn out when quite cold.
After the cakes I made four white loaves, I made one extra as my son has requested hot bacon sandwiches for breakfast tomorrow and we shall need one to go with tonight,s meal.
After all this the kitchen looked as if someone ha tossed in a grenade and the shut the door.....awe full. Undaunted I proceeded to prepare a hearty rabbit and bacon casserole for dinner, another easy dish.
1 large rabbit jointed
12 rashers of streaky bacon chopped
2 large onions chopped
three carrots diced
1 parsnip diced
3 medium sized potatoes cut in to chunks
1 bay leaf
1 sprig of rosemary
1 pint of cider of sparkling white wine
a little flour
salt and pepper
1 table spoon of tomato purree
Fry the bacon until the fat runs out and then add the onion and fry until the fat is absorbed. Then add the vegetables. Coat the rabbit portions in seasoned flour and then fry in a separate pan until brown, the add the tomato purree and fry for a minute more. Add the rabbit to the bacon and vegetables in a large casserole dish. De-glaze the pan with some of the cider and add this with the rest of the cider to the casserole. Tie the bay leaf and the rosemary with the rabbits kidney and liver ( these are usually left in side the rabbit so you will need to look for them) in a bit of muslin and add to the pot. Top up with water of stock so that the joints are covered and cook at 185oC for about two hours. Serve with fresh bread or dumplings.
Collapse in to a heap and get some one else to do the washing up. Good luck!

Saturday, 13 November 2010


The day began well, coffee in bed and a chat about the latest news with my son, even Pa was up in good time . Breakfast was lovely and for the first time in ages uninterrupted by either the phone a delivery or the arrival of plumbers,etc.
My son's gaming group were meeting at the pub today and he went to change while I cleared the kitchen. One of the group who has been coming to the house for so long that he is considered as a member of the family arrived and soon after they left for the pub.

I had drawn the short straw and left soon after for Tesco, yes on a Saturday again,and yes I must be potty. I had received £10.00 worth of Tesco vouchers in the post and according to the bumf in the envelope this would be converted in to £20.00 if spent in specified items. Now we would normally get at least £20.00 worth of vouchers any way so I considered their seemingly generous gesture to be just another Tesco con! As it was the thing backfired royally as you shall now hear.
Having picked up the few items of grocery I needed I decided to buy a scarf, some gloves and some socks for Pa, £20.00 worth to be precise, this should have cost me nothing and I was not unhappy about that. The queues at the check out seemed much longer than usual and I noticed in passing that the queue at customer services was of preternatural length even for a Saturday. At almost every till there seemed to be a hold up and I was about to find out why.
After the assistant put my goods through the check out I handed her my club card and the vouchers,this is where the problems began. She told me, with great patience I mus t say, that I should have first exchanged them at the customer services desk.......which of course explained the massive queue. I was as usual on the buggy and there was no way I could get through the maze of barriers they have recently installed to control the queue. At this point a helpful young man appeared and said that he would change them for me and would I kindly wait at the end of the till for him to return.
I followed his instructions feeling rather stupid, but not for long. Almost every till had someone stick at the end of it waiting, like myself for assistance or returning to collect their goods having queued for ages, the place was choked with customers, most of whom were irritated, aggravated of just downright narked at being messed about. I heard one check out girl say that it was all explained on the T.V commercial......who in heavens name watched those. The security guards were pulling their hair ouand all the time the queues kept getting bigger. My young helper returned, having done a neat bit of queue jumping and I was given my goods and my change with a smile The lad deserved a medal for no sooner had he finished with me than he was sent to sort out a similar problem at another till, Many customers , having already queued for ages at the check out were refusing too queue at the customer services desk to exchange their vouchers and then queue again at the check out to pay for their goods.
I now realised why I had notice rather a lot of assistants wandering round with trolleys putting goods back of the shelves. What,s the betting they don't pull the same stunt next year.
Back at home, much later than O expected I was unpacking the shopping when my neighbour came round for a cup of tea. He is always welcome and we sat munching shortbread and drinking tea for about an hour. Panic set in after he left, it was three-o-clock and the roast lemon chicken was still in its wrapper and the lemons in the fruit bowl, Pa had not even started to feed the birds and we began to rush round like a couple of lunatics.
Dinner was a little late but other than that all was well, and the meal was lovely. Totally shattered Pa and I decided on an early night and so ended the day. Tomorrow will, I hope be rather more peaceful, still we all had a good laugh and that is worth all the trouble. Remind me to go to Morrison's next time!Oh by the way the young fellow in the photograph is named Crisp, he lives just over the road from our house and is a sweetie.

Friday, 12 November 2010


We have had a brilliant day, Friday is always very busy and as a rule it is also an almighty pain in the behind, not this time. Pa was up first, yes first and dressed before the morning p f tea was made, we were almost all ready when the grocery delivery arrived. I say almost as for once it was I who was a little late arriving down stairs, even so I was in time to do my share of putting away the shopping while my son cleaned and rearranged the fridge. Amazingly by ten we were sitting down to breakfast and chattering away, mostly about politics and items of news. The crumpets and croissant , cooked by my son were delicious and I enjoyed being waited on exceedingly.
Breakfast over I set about the bread making, Three loaves today, made with half Kamut and half English wheat,I floured the crust and they came out very well.
While the bread baked we washed up, revelling in the wonderful smell and planning our evening meal.
Pa went off to feed the birds, my son went off to clean his room and I popped out for a breath of air before commencing battle with the loo. The seat has been in a dilapidated condition for some time for some time having aquired a tendency to tip it,s occupant off sideways,, one of the bolt having rusted through. The new seat was purchase weeks ago but finding the time or indeed the strength to tackle the job, rendered difficult by the awkward position of the loo. Having possessed ourselves of pliers, monkey wrench and if all else failed a hack saw we attacked the decrepit article. Taking in to account it,s derelict condition it was surprisingly reluctant to give up the ghost entirely, the plastic butterfly nuts proved to be stronger than the metal screws they held in place. Brute force, bad language and the hack saw were all called in to play and at last the old seat came off.....and to think I had been worried that it would fall off unaided......typical!

We soon had the new one in place and slapped each other on the back, comrades in adversity triumphant,all that remained to be done was the hoovering and the steaming which we soon finished in record time, all thanks to Pa, who as well as getting up early helped with the chores by dusting the living room.

We celebrated with a feast of cooked meats, five sorts of cheese antipasto olives salad and crusty bread with fresh fruit to follow. I tapped a demi john of red wine, three years old for a treat, it complemented the cheeses well.
Thoroughly exhausted we all collapsed and decided on a lazy evening,our cat was at last able to settle down without being molested by a hoover nozzle or a cloud of steam, I believe she hates Friday,s even more than I do.

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Well, it was just as I said it would be, for the first morning in two weeks we all decided to have a lie in and behold, the darling man was banging heavily on the front door well before nine this morning. It is almost like a magic charm,a goo friend once told me that when he was tired of waiting for a bus to arrive he always lit a cigarette, this he said was guaranteed to cause the bus to draw up before he had taken a couple of puffs, it must be something to do with Murphy's law

He gave us a choice of new mixer taps and I must say the new one is a great improvement of the geriatric piece of junk he removed in so far as I actually works,and does so without splashing water all over the kitchen floor. He really is a very good plumber, it is just that he has absolutely no sense of the time,or come to think of it the day.
Breakfast was very,very late but also very enjoyable as we were able to grill some oat cakes covered in cheese, a northern delicacy of which we are rather fond. We had decided to have a cauliflower cheese for dinner tonight so thankfully there was little preparation to do, I spent a couple of hours cleaning the bedroom and sorting clean bed linen,tedious but necessary.

All the time the rain came down in torrents and the noise it made lashing against the windows made the house seem even more cosy and snug, we congratulated ourselves on having done the shopping and the outdoor chores yesterday. This is not always the case and it cause for rejoicing when it happens. The wind howled and twigs flew about in the lane,people scurried by with their heads bent in to the wind,it was not a good day for umbrella's and we saw several turn inside out during the course of the day. Our little cat slept through most of it with her paws covering her nose and occasionally looking out of the window, registering her disgust with a huge yawn and a deep sigh. We had time for a few games this afternoon, we are all board game fanatics and also card games. We have a vast collection of these games and it often to decide which one to play. Monopoly usually starts a riot so we do not play it often. I like Settlers of Catan and Puerto Ricco. We all agree that an early night would be a good thing as tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I am always sleepy after the clock go back I think there must be a part of me that thinks it should hibernate in the winter.

I see that the student population has at last got off its collective backside and struck a blow for the future of education,it,s a pity they had to trash Millbank though. That is of course if it was the students who did the trashing.......I wonder. Speaking as one who was a student in the late sixties and early seventies and a veteran of sit ins and protest marches I seem to recall even in those comparatively innocent times there was a risk of a protest getting hijacked. I remember one march getting high jacked by some skinheads, a full scale brawl ensued and fifty odd people got arrested. Oddly though it was the students who had been protesting peacefully who were arrested and not the trouble makers, I wonder why?

My son had a close call tonight I had asked him to put a new light bulb in the living room while I was cooking dinner, suddenly there was n anguished shriek and a good deal of cursing, he had stuck his finger in to the live socket! In all fairness to him he had asked if the light was switched off, I did not hear as the washing machine was rumbling close by and as I did not answer he assumed all was well......not so! He was as white as a goats cheese and his hair stuck out here and there. I was terrified at first but once it became clear that he was not injured I confess that I was attacked by a severe fit of the giggles. This was not appreciated at all and he left the room in high dudgeon.
By dinner time though all was well and we all ….almost had a laugh about it.
I think it was relief that made me giggle at first, afterwards it was the look on his face. Poor soul, he has had quite a week, I suspect that he will be glad to get back to work.
We are all piling in to on room tonight to watch a show, really it is just an excuse to sit cracking wise at the expense of the presenters, who are themselves cracking wise at the expense of politicians and famous pop stars and actors. We are much funnier than they are, at least we think so.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


My Uncle Jack, of whom I am very fond used to tease me when I was younger, the moment the weather turned cold he would say “Winter drawers on?” A question and not a comment on the weather, I used to blush like anything. When I grew up I got my revenge, one Christmas I bought him a pair of thermal combinations. Before I wrapped them I dyed them bright red, How we all laughed on Christmas morning . “Winter drawers on Uncle Jack?” He is in hospital at the moment after a severe stroke, we were in despair a few weeks ago be he seems to be on the mend. We knew the minute he ask one of the nurses the question he always asked me , the nurses love him, it is impossible not to.

The morning went well, Pa got up without too much of a hoorah, we had a lovely breakfast of poached eggs on toast and then went our separate ways for a couple of hours. My son went into Twickenham, I shot off to Tesco for some sarsaparilla and some rolls of gift wrap. Pa,forbidden to set foot out side until one of us returned spent some time dusting bless him, he made a good job of it to. It is hard to believe he was so muddled and helpless yesterday. I got home in record time and then while Pa fed his birds I prepared tonight's feast. Roast pork with crispy crackling, roast garlic purree,roast potato wedges and sweet roasted parsnip, pumpkin and sweet potato. We pile the cooked food and vegetables on to a giant platter and serve the meat and a slice of new bread on which the garlic purree is spread, rather like trenchers at a medieval banquette, I love roasted parsnip. We were all stuffed after that so we had a little cold melon for dessert.

The cat Twiggy had been picketting the kitchen all through the afternoon was, of course given her share of warm meat,we are not allowed to forget what is her due. Once I cooked a chicken and forgot to give her any, she gave me the air for a full week!
We all agree that today has been lovely, and we also agree that we are all having a lie in tomorrow. We have been getting up early as the plumber was expected at ten yesterday …..and today........if he arrives tomorrow morning he can jolly well wait for me for a change!
Bursting with pride in my clever son the picture on today's blog is of the kitchen trolley he made for me yesterday, he,s wonderful. I have not yet told him that a new loo seat needs fitting, on the other hand If I leave telling him much longer he will probably discover the fact for himself as he lands with a bump on the floor.....problems problems.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Today was always going to be tough but I am jolly glad I did not realise how tough when I woke this morning,I would have stayed in bed. My son and were up betimes and whiled away over an hour trying to wake Pa and drinking coffee in the meantime. It became obvious that Pa was going to be difficult today, and so he was. I shall not go in to details but rely on me what followed was both distressing and difficult, I was at my wits end.
Having got Pa cleaned up and back in bed I made some porridge for breakfast,Pa slept and we were glad that it was so.

By eleven thirty the electricians had still not arrived and as I needed to make bread I called and asked as polity as possible,where the hell they were,It worked,they arrived within minutes. It took a while but they fixed the grill and left, leaving the usual filthy footprints on the carpets and dirty finger marks on the paint work. First things first, and within an hour there were four beautiful barley corn loaves cooling under clean tea towels and smelling wonderfully.
One bright spot in the morning was a welcome visit from some friends and we had coffee and shortcakes as we swapped news
During the course of the late morning and well in to the afternoon my clever son assembled a new tile topped kitchen trolley for me and then went on to make up a nest of coffee tables. The instructions which came with both items was up to the usual standard of lunacy and were in fact unintelligible, no surprises there then! He made an excellent job of both and they look wonderful, Once again I grovel for former disparaging remarks about his skills as a handyman.

It was bin day and so I sorted that out in the pouring rain and managed to twist my knee and sprain my shoulder, not very clever! That done I set about making a game pie for dinner. I added some carrots and parsnips to the pie to speed things up and served the pie with large sweet potatoes and rich gravy, it was perfect for such a cold wet evening
We tidied up the living room and kitchen while the pie cooked and I must say it looks really good. The new coffee tables leave more space in the living room and the trolley has lots of staoving slept all day he will now be awake all night and so will I, I am just happy that he is himself again, for now at least. I am prouder than I can say of my dear son,his cheerful strength is an example and a constant reminder that no matter what happens the world is a wonderful place with such a truly kind and selfless person to share it with.

Monday, 8 November 2010

'Twas on the Monday morning that the plumber

DID NOT CALL! As was fore told the expected artisans once again failed to appear at the appointed time. This came as no surprise, we are informed that they will attend tomorrow without fail, I would not put money on it, nor would I hold my breath. Only imagine how pleasantly surprised we shall be IF they do come. I shall probably have to be stretchered out!
The morning went well in every other respect, my son was home on time, Pa left in a taxi for the hospital, also on time and my son and I had a leisurely breakfast of Scotch crumpets and hot jam sauce.

I am in the throws of making a fancy dress costume for my son who every Christmas appears at work on the last night before the holidays seasonally attired and bearing goodies for the troops. Today I had intended to make a crown, using a balloon as the base and fashioning the item from paper and copydex, once dry this is sprayed in gold and embellished with jewels and fur. Over the years I have made dozens of these, but not today. I searched most diligently for over an hour and failed to find the balloons put,only last week in the proverbial safe place. Much chagrined I was obliged to do the ironing instead, this did nothing to improve my temper. I did however find the other items I need so once I get more balloons all will be well
Pa is getting a calliper for his leg which will be an improvement on the brace he has at present, he, like myself has a knee replacement operation pending....what fun!
I was unable to bake today as by the time we discovered the electricians were not coming it was too late, I may not be able to bake tomorrow either so the bread situation is becoming critical. I have decided to give them until twelve thirty and then I shall carry on baking regardless, as they say. Tonight we are having a rich cheesy pasta with bacon ,a real winter warmer and much liked by all here,also it is simple to make, a relief after yesterday,s marathon

My new black boots are very snug,and a bargain at twelve pounds...or was it ten, I saw some real suede ones on QVC this morning priced at over two hundred pounds, I should want them gold plated for that price...phew....that's almost as much as I spend on togs in a year.......violin playing in the background... Poor Cinders!
The cat Twiggy is very disgruntled today, she hates the rain and has sat gazing disconsolately from the window all afternoon. She has now given up all hope and is sitting draped across the windowsill with her paws toasting on the radiator and looking very picturesque

I was up so early this morning that I shall be glad to go to bed early, my son too will be asleep before eight, as usual on his first day off, and tomorrow....we shall see....at least we are all safe at home, cosy and snug and happy to be together,there is nothing is better in the world.

Sunday, 7 November 2010


Things have gone quite well today by and large, we were at breakfast early..ish, and Pa although groggy seemed better than usual. I cleared away the dishes and headed to Home base, the lighted Christmas scene I bought for Pa had lost its lights and so I went to get it exchanged. The staff were very nice about it and produced a replacement without argument, I purchased some peanuts for the birds and started for home. I hate leaving Pa for too long,so I hurried along the lane and failed to notice that the mass of fallen leaved was collecting under the buggy making it look rather like a ride on sweeper. Finally the buggy stopped and realising the problem I tried to remove the leaves, had I been alone I would have been in trouble it must be said. Fortunately I was aided by several giggling children and a kind Swedish gentleman who was also inclined to giggle, realising by now how funny I must have looked I too succumbed to the giggles and it was an almost hysterical party who
at last tottered down the lane still tittering
Back at home Pa was fine thank the Gods and today we tried out a new way of feeding the birds, sop that Pa has to spend less time outside, it is some thing he has been loth to try but it worked so well that he can now see the sense in doing it my way. He is rather fragile so I need to take care that he does not get a chill, he loves the garden birds and it gives him good deal of pleasure to feed them so that I should not like to stop him.
At last I finished wrapping the parcels for home and they can now go to the post on Tuesday.....what a relief!

Diner was rather complex this evening as I actually made two separate meals. My son had his favourite chicken Pomodori and for Pa and I I prepared a steak and kidney casserole. With wild mushrooms and lots of onions. This is a rare delicacy as my son detests kidneys,tonight I served the dish with a carrot,parsnip and potato mash to soak up all the delectable gravy. We ate the lot.

The wind has been cold today and out little cat has been glad to remain indoors cosy and snug with her back to the lava lamp and her head on my computer. Techno cat.
During the laying of the dinner table I went sprawling over one of Pa,s walking stick, he is always leaving them about usually half hidden so that unsuspecting victims trip over one of these traps several times a day. This evening it was my turn and I have given my already damaged knee a bad wrench and walking has been almost impossible since. With luck, some codeine,some dicloflex and a dose of amytriptaline I will sleep and be improved by morning. I am still refusing any further surgery on the knee as so far everything that has been done has made things worse. I need to be on my feet to look after Pa and a knee replacement will stop me from doing so for several weeks, maybe months, I will not let him go to one of those nursing homes for any length of time and that is that. The last time they gave him the wrong medication and almost killed him. He stays where he belongs, at home with me.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Today has been completely different to yesterday, today was happy and full of fun, warm bread to scent the kitchen and roasting hazel nuts.....lovely. Pa was so much better today and oh the difference it makes to all of us. We had tea together this morning before my son went off to bed and listened to his travellers tale of getting home while the tube trains drivers are on strike. He has already spent sixty pounds this week on taxi fares and is not pleased at all,even so he tells his tales with the intrepid air of an explorer, back from the lost world , and is most amusing to boot.
Pa and I had a lovely breakfast , buttery toast and poached eggs, with a pot of Yorkshire tea and some orange juice, then I set about the baking.

Three large loaves were needed today and I made them using two thirds white flour and one third wholemeal. I topped one with white poppy seeds another with flour and the third with semolina, it makes a crispy crust and toasts beautifully. One the bread was out of the oven biscuits were next on the agenda. I had been asked to make shortcake cookies with hazel nuts, I just made my usual mixture and then rolled the round balls of cookie dough in chopped nuts before flattening them with a fork. Next came two dozen cherry shorties and finally a small batch if experimental ones on which a scattered miniature chocolate stars. They came out well so if I can get some more of the stars I shall bake them for Christmas.

Pa filled all the bird feeders and put out some bread crumbs for our flock, our tame fox came strolling up the orchard to see what we were doing, he can smell biscuits baking half a mile away and often appears at such times.
I took a ride on the buggy to cool off and the lane was full of fallen leaves from the limes and copper beeches that line the sides of the lane. Sprinkled among them today were the vivid scarlet berries of yew, soft and squashy,each one containing a seed which the blackbirds love and I saw several feasting on this new bounty. The yew berry is poisonous to humans and most animals, birds however seem to thrive on them.
Squirrels and jays are also busy as there has been a bumper crop of sweet chestnuts ans acorns,I am told that most oak trees grow because of the jays habit of burring acorns. They often do this on the corner of a flower bed or vegetable plot ,presumably as a means of remembering the hiding place, clever things.

The chicken and leek soup made from the stock I made yesterday was well received ,it was thich and creamy as I added some potatoes, lentils and crème friach.it was perfect with the new bread.
Today has been lovely and I am so thankful, all that any one really has is today so I shall not worry about what tomorrow may bring, I shall, I hope fall asleep counting the many blessings of a perfect
happy day.

Friday, 5 November 2010


What a day, “them others” have been at it again! Pa could not be woken this morning, two of us spent a total of four hours trying to wake him up, and once awake get him dressed and fed.
Realising that he would be house bound for the day I shot off to the shops for some vital bits and pieces while my son was still awake. Do you recall my telling you about the trees that were to be felled, today, and the highways departments promise that the signs had been taken down and no work would be done. Guess what happened half an hour after I left for the shops.........that,s right, the tree surgeons turned up and started work. I got a frantic phone call from my son telling me what was going on and I set off for home at once. On the way I contacted the person who had assured me yesterday that no work would be done to ask what the blue blazes was going on ….........she had no idea......what a surprise!
By the time I returned the work was done and the men were gone,too late someone was sent to stop the carnage. It transpires that the tree surgeons were not employed by the highways department but by a private person who recently purchased the house next to the tree.

As they paid several million pounds for the property they are hardly likely to be concerned about the few thousand pounds they will be fined for this flagrant law breaking. Not only is it the case that only council contractors are allowed to work on trees by the road side , these idiots carried out there work while cars were parked under the trees and without stopping the traffic while the branches were coming down. I am livid,and in no mood to accept the pathetic excuses that the local authority are pedalling. At least most of the trees were saved by the looming presence of my six foot plus son....he looks like and angry Viking when he gets mad...I call him Ragnar with good reason one look was enough, they packed up and left, I don,t blame them!

I did not have time to bake any bread today, this will have repercussions as it will now have to be made tomorrow along with six dozen cookies. I have decide to make a chicken and leek soup tomorrow so that will ease the time factor a little, I hope.
We had spiced chicken today with garlic wedges roast roots and dips, the chicken carcass has been turned in to a rich jellied stock for tomorrows soup by simmering it with some carrot and onion for several hours so it should be lovely.

The ginger cake was collected today and I am so glad to think it may help our young friend, I shall make some extra cookies for her tomorrow, she has a sweet tooth and she needs building up.
It has been a rotten week so far and you must be tired of reading my moany broadcasts, I am sorry, I feel better for getting my troubles aired without a lot of yelling and with no one hurt by my complaints. I console myself with the hope that if there is any one out there reading this waffle they will have the good sense to stop reading when I go on, and on, and on,and on,and..........................

Thursday, 4 November 2010


Firstly as predicted the electricians failed to arrive, this afternoon I received a call informing me that the part for our defunct grill had failed to arrive and that it would probably be Monday before we could expect any further developments. This came as no surprise as I had already asser5ained that the part was no longer available,an easy task when one can go online. I have no intention of waiting for eleven months for the repair as I did for the cooker hood fan, we will see what Monday brings.
The phone call meant that at least I was able to get on with some baking and I managed to bake the ginger cake for a young friend who has been unwell, plus a spare for my own cake tin.
I popped out early this morning to buy a gift for Pa, it is a snow scene with little house and a church , lots of trees and most important a little railway running through it. It is lit by fibre optics and looks very pretty in the dark, Pa loves any thing to do with trains and he is very pleased with it. I was lucky as it was the last one hey had.

During a lull in the afternoon chores I decided to take a look at the river as I have not been to see it for a few days,as it happens it was a fortunate choice. A little below our cottage there are several beautiful Lime trees,similar to those I have been eulogising all the week. Each had a notice attached to it stating that work on the trees was to commence tomorrow. I was disquieted and rather angered by this as I had been assured that no tree work would be carried out in the village without proper consultation with the residents. I returned home at once and rang my contact at the council offices...she was out.
Then began a full hour of being passed from department to department and being obliged to listen to the worst example of telephone Muzak it was ever my misfortune to hear.
After much travail I managed to speak to a real human being, and after she had made a few calls the signs were taken down and the work cancelled. I was an example of individuals flouting the law to please themselves, apparently they did not like the leaves that were falling over the wall on to their lawn...well tough... the ecco warriors have won again, or urban terrorists as I was called. I thought an Urban terrorist was a mugger of perhaps a person who blew up trains,I think I might have been insulted. The signs would have come down any way as I had arranged to have them removed after dark, so that with cars parked beneath the trees work could not have gone ahead.. Fortunately fair means won the day and so foul means were unnecessary.

We all seem a little tired today and I shall be glad not to have to get up so early tomorrow, we do have a guest for breakfast but late breakfast.....about ten thirty.
Tomorrow I must try to finish the parcels for home, today's panic over the trees took all my free time this afternoon, I am very glad I took the river route today, to see my beloved trees destroyed would have been too dreadful to contemplate.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


The strong wind last night has stripped almost all the leaves from the top of my beautiful Lime tree, further down there are still enough to make a spectacular show when the sun is shinning. All day the
wind has continued its onslaught upon the last vestiges of summer, a small wild cherry tree in the field has turned overnight in to a flaming glory of reds and gold; by the weekend it will be bare. My little cat has chased leaves and the flying fruits of sycamore all day long and has now collapsed on the bed and is purring in an ecstasy of comfort and warmth. Across the road at the big house someone has lit a log fire, apple logs I think and the smell is creeping in through the open casement, it is a smell I love.

In every corner of the house spiders are spinning there webs,some like the Harvestman spider to catch the last of the years insects and the ladybirds,fewer than usual hibernating in dark corners. Others are spinning silken cocoons in which to lay their eggs, a pledge to next summer, I can never bring myself to destroy them so they will remain through out the winter. These spiders are fine with me but oh the huge black ones that run so quickly and creep about at night scare me to death. Last night I came across the biggest I have ever seen disporting itself about the bathroom. It was two in the morning and all was quiet,so that the surprised yell I raised on encountering the beast must have woken the neighbours if not the whole village.
Once I cams to my senses I swiftly popped a tooth mug over the blighter and slipped an old birthday card ,kept for the purpose under it. The intruder was secured and I could go back to bed safe in the knowledge that it could not get me. I was therefore seriously dis-chuffed to find it,s big brother on my pillow, I trapped this one under a glass and using a folded piece of printer paper removed it to a safe distance. I sat for a while wondering if there were any more until finally,over come with exhaustion from all the big game hunting I got back in bed and slept at last.

My son was home even later this morning and the muttering of yesterday had become a full blown grumble, frankly I do not blame him, I just hope they don,t push him too far.
Three more loaves were baked today, the bread it very popular, I shall not make bread again until Friday, not even for H.M the Queen. Tomorrow I am baking a ginger cake for a young lady of our acquaintance who has been unwell lately, it is her favourite cake and it will be a pleasure to bake it for such a lovely person, I may bake one for us at the same time. You see as I expected the electricians did not show up today so everything is up in the air, We are having fish and chips tonight so I shall have a night off from cooking.

I shall be glad to curl up in bed tonight with puss,listening to the last of the leaves pattering on the window as they fall.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


I have been a blur today,up at the crack of dawn and off to see my G.P.,I met my son coming in as I was leaving, he was rather late. I gave him a hug and left him muttering darkly about disorganised individuals giving his team a hard time,he looked seriously displeased about something.
For the first time ever I saw my doctor on time, not that I mind waiting she is the best I have ever had and I know how lucky I am believe me. The first two blood pressure readings were pretty grim but third time lucky and at last the reading was acceptable, to our mutual relief. I have some new tablets for pain relief and I am hopeful of at last getting more than a couple of hours sleep each night,fingers crossed.
Out of the surgery and away to the supermarket for some fruit and cheese the home in a hurry as Pa have not had any breakfast, if it comes to that neither had I. I had been gone for two hours and when I left Pa was up and about so I had hopes that he had perhaps made his bed of washed up my sons breakfast dishes. Faint hope as it turned out, Pa was still in his dressing gown, his bed unmade and the kitchen looked like a bomb site, It is my belief that the old rogue had gone back to bed the moment I left and had only got up when he heard the rattle of the buggy coming down the path......MEN!
I cleared up the mess waited for Snoozy to dress and then pan fried some kippers, the grill is still not working. Once we had eaten and I had washed up again I decided to pop out again and finish buying the Christmas gifts for my nieces and nephews, my neighbour had offered to keep an eye on Pa and as I felt too tired to do housework off I went. Two lovely soft bodied ballerina dolls caught my eye and I purchased them for my little nieces, a lovely birthday card for mam was my next purchase and some pretty gift tags,all I needed to finish the job
On impulse I went to the shoe department and treated myself to a pair of black fur lined suede boots. I have been dithering about them for weeks and today I finally succumbed to temptation. I know that my son has a lovely black coat for me this Christmas and the boots will be perfect with this gift.
It seems odd to be buying clothes again and putting on a little make up, it has been a long time since I cared what I looked like and when the only places I went to were hospitals and the doctors surgery it did not seem worth the effort. Since we got the buggy I go out somewhere most days and I have purchased more clothes in the last six months that in the previous six years. I have never been a dressy sort of person, casual is my style,I feel much better knowing that at least I look tidy and neat.
Pork and bean casserole with leeks and crusty dumplings was today's evening meal. I invented this dish over twenty years ago to tempt my sons appetite after an illness and he has loved it ever since
1Ib diced pork steak
2 large leeks
1 large onion
2 tins baked beans
1 tablespoon of tomato purree
1teaspoom of paprika
1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
1oz butter for frying
Melt the butter in a large frying pan and add the leeks and onions adding a pinch of salt will stop the onions from browning. Put the onions and leeks in a two pint casserole dish then brown the pork in the same frying pan,as it begins to brown add the tomato ketchup and paprika, stir until all the meat is coated, then add the meat to the casserole dish.
De-glaze the pan with a little water. Add the beans to the casserole with the water from the pan plus about half a pint of water and two chicken stock cubes. The meat and vegetables should be just covered. Cook for one and a half hours at 185oC.
1lb self raising flour
8oz vegetable suet
pinch of salt
enough water to mix to a sticky dough, start with a quarter of a pint and add more if you need to.
Roll out the dough and cut in to rounds with a 2” pastry cutter and place on a greased baking sheet
and cook at 200oC until golden brown, about twenty minutes.
This amount will serve four large portions .