What a day, “them others” have been at it again! Pa could not be woken this morning, two of us spent a total of four hours trying to wake him up, and once awake get him dressed and fed.
Realising that he would be house bound for the day I shot off to the shops for some vital bits and pieces while my son was still awake. Do you recall my telling you about the trees that were to be felled, today, and the highways departments promise that the signs had been taken down and no work would be done. Guess what happened half an hour after I left for the shops.........that,s right, the tree surgeons turned up and started work. I got a frantic phone call from my son telling me what was going on and I set off for home at once. On the way I contacted the person who had assured me yesterday that no work would be done to ask what the blue blazes was going on ….........she had no idea......what a surprise!
By the time I returned the work was done and the men were gone,too late someone was sent to stop the carnage. It transpires that the tree surgeons were not employed by the highways department but by a private person who recently purchased the house next to the tree.
As they paid several million pounds for the property they are hardly likely to be concerned about the few thousand pounds they will be fined for this flagrant law breaking. Not only is it the case that only council contractors are allowed to work on trees by the road side , these idiots carried out there work while cars were parked under the trees and without stopping the traffic while the branches were coming down. I am livid,and in no mood to accept the pathetic excuses that the local authority are pedalling. At least most of the trees were saved by the looming presence of my six foot plus son....he looks like and angry Viking when he gets mad...I call him Ragnar with good reason one look was enough, they packed up and left, I don,t blame them!
I did not have time to bake any bread today, this will have repercussions as it will now have to be made tomorrow along with six dozen cookies. I have decide to make a chicken and leek soup tomorrow so that will ease the time factor a little, I hope.
We had spiced chicken today with garlic wedges roast roots and dips, the chicken carcass has been turned in to a rich jellied stock for tomorrows soup by simmering it with some carrot and onion for several hours so it should be lovely.
The ginger cake was collected today and I am so glad to think it may help our young friend, I shall make some extra cookies for her tomorrow, she has a sweet tooth and she needs building up.
It has been a rotten week so far and you must be tired of reading my moany broadcasts, I am sorry, I feel better for getting my troubles aired without a lot of yelling and with no one hurt by my complaints. I console myself with the hope that if there is any one out there reading this waffle they will have the good sense to stop reading when I go on, and on, and on,and on,and..........................
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