I really should have known better than to prattle on about my plans for this week,as always there has been a slight hitch, my son has developed a severe head cold and judging by my newly acquired sore throat I too have caught the blasted bug.
We breakfasted on hot potato cakes well buttered and with paper hankies very much in evidence,after which my son retired exhausted to his room,to be solaced by hourly cups of coffee.
With gritted teeth I proceeded to work my way through the morning routine of dish washing , laundry, and bread making. Having decided that a rich tomato soup would be pleasant for people with sore throats I roasted a tray of carrots,parsnip,pumpkin,onion ,garlic and red peppers, blitzed them up with two cans of tomato, a tube of tomato purree,sun dried tomatoes and stock. Pleased with my progress I rashly undertook the making of two ginger cakes for the daughter of a friend who's appetite needs tempting,it proved to be a job too far.
By the time I took them out of the oven I was feeling rotten and was obliged to go and lie down for a while.
With so much to do this state of affairs is a disaster and I must admit I felt a little panic stricken . Tomorrow has been cancelled, literally,my son has cancelled a medical appointment,the sorting out of the under stairs cupboard,,a two handed job as also been shelved. The special dinner I had planned will be postponed as I do not feel able to cook such a complex meal and in any case no one would want to eat it if I did. No scalextric....its too bad.
Pa has no trace of the pestilence at the moment but I will guarantee that the identical moment the rest of us start to feel better he will be smitten, thus poxing up another week.
On the plus side...................................sorry I can not find one.
The cat is the only one happy at the moment. As every one feels awful she has no shortage of laps to sit on and it is fortunate for her that this is so, as the weather today has been grim.
I have found a bright side but I refuse to discuss it on the grounds that to do so will jinx the whole thing. So Its hey-ho and of to bed I go with a hot water bottle and a glass of damson gin, one thing is certain, the others may sit about groaning tomorrow but dead or dying I shall be making cups of tea and coffee, offering sympathy to the poor sufferers and cursing the hard lot of women......silently of course!
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