There I was, all the chores don, a meal that needed no preparation and the long sought balloons to hand, all afternoon in fact to make the head dress for my son's costume. I should nave known that it was to good to be true, With everything assembled I discovered that some benighted idiot had not screwed the lid on the copydex properly and it had formed a rubbery lump , this was made worse by the knowledge that I was, most likely the benighted idiot in question!Hey-ho and off to the shops to buy more balloons and copydex. Having left rather hurriedly I was half way there when I realised that I had left my purse on the coffee table in the living room, muttering darkly I returned to collect it and then set out again, this time with a rug for my knees as it was damned cold.
I whizzed round the shops so fast I made myself dizzy and returned home in haste. Practically all the spare time I had was now used up so I resigned my self to preparing my son's packed meal for tonight and then started the preparations for a dinner of toad in the hole and baked beans, a very large one. I usually make the batter several hours before I mean to use it as I find it rises better, this time how ever it only have about thirty minutes standing time and I was surprised that it turned out so well. Today was the first time I have needed to use the lights on the buggy. It was very foggy all through the day and actually became worse during the afternoon. People tend not to see us buggy riders at the best of times so I was not taking any chances.
During the cooking of dinner I very stupidly managed to acquire a nasty burn on my thumb, this I suspect will cause trouble for some days to come. Luckily I had a aloe vera plant handy and quickly snipped of a piece to rub of the burn, it took the pain away and will,I hope help the healing procsess.
I have decided not to make any plans for tomorrow other than what to cook for dinner as these days something always seems to happen to mess things up. Still as my old granny used to say “The work will still be hear when you are long gone.” And on that cheery note I shall bid you all goodnight,
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