Today Pa's new computer arrived. My son and I are buying him a little E machine,such as I have. I hope he gets as much pleasure and amusement for it as I do from mine. We shall set it up tomorrow so that on the day he can use it at once. We have purchased a mouse to go with it although it does not need one,I found that with I had problems using the touch pad as I too have arthritis in my fingers.
It is an exciting time as almost all our Christmas shopping has been done on line and so every day brings new packages for someone. These are always squirrelled away to be wrapped privately and placed under the tree. Yesterday I found some beautiful chicken egg cups on e bay and could not resist as they were very like a set of four I already have. I love them and we always use them at breakfast and I dread the almost certain breakages as Pa is rather clumsy due to his condition. Another six will keep things going and I am glad I found them.
Today on a trip to hospital I noticed a stall selling the most gorgeous scarves and could not resist buying one, deep blue velvet embroidered with beads and sequins and a scattering of jewels. It really sang to my as I passed the stall, I feel rather guilty about this purchase but console myself with the thought that it will probably end up as a gift to a relative of friend.
Our Christmas plans are well under way now and we have been deciding as to turkey ( bronze or white) duck, and the choice between venison and wild boar is proving tricky, I am glad I do not have to place the order just yet.
We eat lots of game in season,we got accustomed to it as we lived among a good deal of wild game. We are luckY now to have found a butcher who sell the real stuff, not farmed rubbish and who does not charge an arm and a leg for a haunch of venison so to speak. If any one is interested the name of the butcher is Gribble and his on line delivery service is second to none,I say this with authority as I have tried a few.
I had a marathon parcel wrapping session today,largely as until the presents go under the tree I cannot, with ease get in to the wardrobe,a walk in affair which has been sending cascades of stuff out on to the bedroom floor for weeks. After today I should be able to find a few lost articles of clothing without having to leave a twine clue to follow in order to find my way out.
Dinner tonight was lasagne...again. my son loves pasta but I fear that Pa and a I have reached saturation point with this meal as we did with chicken pomodori. Still it,s quick to make and I need all the spare time I can get.
Pa was fitted with his new leg brace today and we hope it will be an improvement, it looks good but he will need to try it for a day or two, we shall see.
Twiggy has enjoyed herself in the garden today, she does not mind cold and frosty, it is wet and windy that she detests. She will stay out late sitting on the garden seat watching the foxes and then stroll upstairs and stretch out on the bed as if she owns it, she will not move again until morning. I wish I could sleep like that, but think of all the beautiful owls, bats badgers and sunrises I should miss. On balance I prefer things as they are,
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