I slept badly last night and I became so bored that I sat playing Free Space on my computer for several hours. I watched my neighbour leave home early to avoid the tube strike and watched him return some time later having failed to get to work. As my son starts his week of nights tonight I did not wake him this morning, I began the laborious task of resurrecting Pa from his slumbers, an hour later,having called until I was hoarse, shaken and cajoled he was predictably still in the recumbent position. The bread was made, three barley corn loaves, the kitchen tidied, and I was still solus as before but with a frayed temper
I now began to resort to threats, the eyes opened........and closed again. Suddenly there was a shatteringly load hammering on the door, that did the trick, after dealing with to postman I returned to the Herculean task of getting Pa up and dressed............an hour later and he was up, dressed and having coffee, I was exhasted.
Load thumps from upstairs gave me the hint that my on was now awake so I began to prepare a very late breakfast of blueberry muffins large pot of tea. We all enjoyed the meal and had fun discussing the news and speculating of the possibility of snow.
With my son packed off to bed I decided to do a few chores, the waffle iron needed seasoning ready for use and as it can be a time consuming bussiness it was a good day to do the job. My neighbour arrived for a cup of tea at one and stayed until three and a jolly good natter was had by all, it cheered us all up.We pondered on what makes Monday was the worst day of the week, I think it goes deeper than just because it is the first working day, after all I do not go to work and I dislikw Mondays as much as the next person. Perhaps the Government should pay a fortune to some university or another to research the question, it is certain the they have spent money on dafter projects.
The kitchen was cosy today and I think that is why we always have visitor the smell of baking brings them in. I rather enjoy it, it is nice to be entertained while cooking, it makes it fun and besides I like feeding people,it,s what I do best
I shall be glad when my son gets home tomorrow as he is very tired and not quite recovered from the flue. He insisted in going out over the weekend and insists on going to work tonight. He hardly ever takes time off sick, he has a strong sense of duty and hates letting people down.
I think I shall fill a hot water bottle tonight as our central heating is fighting a losing battle with the draughts on out old cottage, I love the old place in spite of all and would not trade, I have always lived in old houses, they are far more interesting and alive than new ones, besides a hot water bottle is always lovely, I usually hug mine once my toes have warmed up, lovely.
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