The strong wind last night has stripped almost all the leaves from the top of my beautiful Lime tree, further down there are still enough to make a spectacular show when the sun is shinning. All day the
wind has continued its onslaught upon the last vestiges of summer, a small wild cherry tree in the field has turned overnight in to a flaming glory of reds and gold; by the weekend it will be bare. My little cat has chased leaves and the flying fruits of sycamore all day long and has now collapsed on the bed and is purring in an ecstasy of comfort and warmth. Across the road at the big house someone has lit a log fire, apple logs I think and the smell is creeping in through the open casement, it is a smell I love.
In every corner of the house spiders are spinning there webs,some like the Harvestman spider to catch the last of the years insects and the ladybirds,fewer than usual hibernating in dark corners. Others are spinning silken cocoons in which to lay their eggs, a pledge to next summer, I can never bring myself to destroy them so they will remain through out the winter. These spiders are fine with me but oh the huge black ones that run so quickly and creep about at night scare me to death. Last night I came across the biggest I have ever seen disporting itself about the bathroom. It was two in the morning and all was quiet,so that the surprised yell I raised on encountering the beast must have woken the neighbours if not the whole village.
Once I cams to my senses I swiftly popped a tooth mug over the blighter and slipped an old birthday card ,kept for the purpose under it. The intruder was secured and I could go back to bed safe in the knowledge that it could not get me. I was therefore seriously dis-chuffed to find it,s big brother on my pillow, I trapped this one under a glass and using a folded piece of printer paper removed it to a safe distance. I sat for a while wondering if there were any more until finally,over come with exhaustion from all the big game hunting I got back in bed and slept at last.
My son was home even later this morning and the muttering of yesterday had become a full blown grumble, frankly I do not blame him, I just hope they don,t push him too far.
Three more loaves were baked today, the bread it very popular, I shall not make bread again until Friday, not even for H.M the Queen. Tomorrow I am baking a ginger cake for a young lady of our acquaintance who has been unwell lately, it is her favourite cake and it will be a pleasure to bake it for such a lovely person, I may bake one for us at the same time. You see as I expected the electricians did not show up today so everything is up in the air, We are having fish and chips tonight so I shall have a night off from cooking.
I shall be glad to curl up in bed tonight with puss,listening to the last of the leaves pattering on the window as they fall.
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