DID NOT CALL! As was fore told the expected artisans once again failed to appear at the appointed time. This came as no surprise, we are informed that they will attend tomorrow without fail, I would not put money on it, nor would I hold my breath. Only imagine how pleasantly surprised we shall be IF they do come. I shall probably have to be stretchered out!
The morning went well in every other respect, my son was home on time, Pa left in a taxi for the hospital, also on time and my son and I had a leisurely breakfast of Scotch crumpets and hot jam sauce.
I am in the throws of making a fancy dress costume for my son who every Christmas appears at work on the last night before the holidays seasonally attired and bearing goodies for the troops. Today I had intended to make a crown, using a balloon as the base and fashioning the item from paper and copydex, once dry this is sprayed in gold and embellished with jewels and fur. Over the years I have made dozens of these, but not today. I searched most diligently for over an hour and failed to find the balloons put,only last week in the proverbial safe place. Much chagrined I was obliged to do the ironing instead, this did nothing to improve my temper. I did however find the other items I need so once I get more balloons all will be well
Pa is getting a calliper for his leg which will be an improvement on the brace he has at present, he, like myself has a knee replacement operation pending....what fun!
I was unable to bake today as by the time we discovered the electricians were not coming it was too late, I may not be able to bake tomorrow either so the bread situation is becoming critical. I have decided to give them until twelve thirty and then I shall carry on baking regardless, as they say. Tonight we are having a rich cheesy pasta with bacon ,a real winter warmer and much liked by all here,also it is simple to make, a relief after yesterday,s marathon
My new black boots are very snug,and a bargain at twelve pounds...or was it ten, I saw some real suede ones on QVC this morning priced at over two hundred pounds, I should want them gold plated for that price...phew....that's almost as much as I spend on togs in a year.......violin playing in the background... Poor Cinders!
The cat Twiggy is very disgruntled today, she hates the rain and has sat gazing disconsolately from the window all afternoon. She has now given up all hope and is sitting draped across the windowsill with her paws toasting on the radiator and looking very picturesque
I was up so early this morning that I shall be glad to go to bed early, my son too will be asleep before eight, as usual on his first day off, and tomorrow....we shall see....at least we are all safe at home, cosy and snug and happy to be together,there is nothing is better in the world.
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