My poor son was so exhausted that he slept the clock round,we woke rested but with the head cold much worse. I had only managed to doze a little and on that account
this morning I felt as if my brain was stuffed up with cotton wool,very muzzy indeed.
We consoled ourselves with several cups of coffee before we began the attempt to wake Pa. To our amazement he woke almost at once and go out of bed quicker that he has done for ages. Over a nice breakfast of crumpets and jammy croissant we discussed our plans for the day, and since all we felt like doing was returning to bed we decided just to potter about and not do any thing too strenuous.
My son decided to put up his Christmas tree,he has decorated a small tree in his bedroom since he was a child and is quite an expert in the art. Pa pottered about doing odd jobs while I went to Home base to return a gas lighter,purchased last week which refused to work. Fortunately I had kept the receipt and off I went.
The lady at customer services tried it and behold it worked the first time, then I tried it and of course nothing happened,so she tried again. After about twenty clicks she managed to get it to light again.”See, it works.” she said. I pointed out that I felt that having to spend ten minutes lighting the gas cooker each time was not acceptable and as they were out of stock she gave me a refund.
Next I trundled on to Tesco to see if they had any. Round and round the store I went until I felt dizzy. During these peregrinations I asked five different assistants if they had any in store, they various replies were “No.”” Not sure.” “I think we have some somewhere.” “No.” and “I think we only have them in the summer time.” Much discouraged I asked where the large boxes of matches were and when I found them, behold, there were the gas lighters, two sorts of gas lighter!
I chose one and made my way to the tills, the queue was long and I had plenty of time to wonder why no one had been able to tell me where the lighters were, I have,during my last three trips asked repeatedly for the Merchant Gourmet Vacuum packed chestnuts, no one has been able to tell me. Now I know they have them because they advertise them on their web site unfortunately no one can find the wretched things, one member of staff remarked rather huffily that he could not be expected to know where things were if they kept on moving then about. How well I know the feeling. I have given up the quest and ordered them from Waitrose, he who laughs last....etc.
On my return I found the boys drinking coffee with a visitor, we sat chatting for ages and then I remembered that I was doing a pot roast for dinner and needed to get it in the oven P.D.Q. I was in a flat spin and as every one knows the more haste the less speed. I could not find the pot, the the peas would not damn thing after another, however eventually things worked out and our dinner if pot roast beef with roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and mushy peas with gravy was gorgeous, just the thing for three sneezy people on a chilly night.
The cat twiggy, very much in evidence during dinner was rewarded for her patience with some snippets of meat and went away delighted to curl up on the bed to wait for me.
My son's small tree looks wonderful and our large tree has been very much admired, I wonder ,however if most of our visitors think we are a bit odd,every one of then has said, we were early with our festivities or that it was the first tree the had seen. Christmas is lovely, the longer I can make it last the better. I once knew a woman who put up her tree on Christmas eve and took it down on Boxing day. To her and her kind I have just one thing to say.....”Scrooooooooooge.”
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