at last tottered down the lane still tittering
Back at home Pa was fine thank the Gods and today we tried out a new way of feeding the birds, sop that Pa has to spend less time outside, it is some thing he has been loth to try but it worked so well that he can now see the sense in doing it my way. He is rather fragile so I need to take care that he does not get a chill, he loves the garden birds and it gives him good deal of pleasure to feed them so that I should not like to stop him.
At last I finished wrapping the parcels for home and they can now go to the post on Tuesday.....what a relief!
Diner was rather complex this evening as I actually made two separate meals. My son had his favourite chicken Pomodori and for Pa and I I prepared a steak and kidney casserole. With wild mushrooms and lots of onions. This is a rare delicacy as my son detests kidneys,tonight I served the dish with a carrot,parsnip and potato mash to soak up all the delectable gravy. We ate the lot.
The wind has been cold today and out little cat has been glad to remain indoors cosy and snug with her back to the lava lamp and her head on my computer. Techno cat.
During the laying of the dinner table I went sprawling over one of Pa,s walking stick, he is always leaving them about usually half hidden so that unsuspecting victims trip over one of these traps several times a day. This evening it was my turn and I have given my already damaged knee a bad wrench and walking has been almost impossible since. With luck, some codeine,some dicloflex and a dose of amytriptaline I will sleep and be improved by morning. I am still refusing any further surgery on the knee as so far everything that has been done has made things worse. I need to be on my feet to look after Pa and a knee replacement will stop me from doing so for several weeks, maybe months, I will not let him go to one of those nursing homes for any length of time and that is that. The last time they gave him the wrong medication and almost killed him. He stays where he belongs, at home with me.
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