I am relieved to say that it has been quite ordinary, no alarms,no excursions, and not much hassle. My son arrived home early for once and I was given a lovely cup of tea in bed,our little cat who chose to spend the night down stairs came to see me for a cuddle; it was a nice way to wake up. Pa was up and about too and once my son had gone to bed I prepared a breakfast of boiled eggs with brown bread and butter, orange juice and a pot of tea.
Finding my self at last with time to spare I began work on my sons Christmas robe. I had planned to make a complete new costume but time and circumstances have not been with me so I am sprucing up last years and making some changes. I had brought quite a lot of fur for a new costume which will not be needed as there is already a fur trim on the old on. Using a can of silver spray I stencilled some ivy trails on to the front and when it dries I shall, I think decorate the hen in the same way.
Pleased to have at last made a start I then went on to wrap some more gifts and write out yet more cards, I am not a great fan of Christmas cards, what to do with then is always the problem. Stand them on a book case or the mantle piece and every stray draught will blow them down. Hang them on the wall and the string will break its moorings casting the lot to the ground. Once we purchased a card holder, it refused to keep the cards in place. These days I just white tac them to doors and cupboards and actually they look quite good.
What a dark sort of day it has been, apart from a short spell of sunshine early in the day it has never really been light. I love having snug days at home at this time of year, I only wish that my son could have a share of the fun, he adores the run up to Christmas as much as when he was a child. He loves to plan surprises has a hard time keeping Christmas secrets. We all behave like children at this time of year and my mother says that she despairs of me ever growing up at all,at my age I do not expect it will happen now.
I am planning a feast next week on the day my son puts up his own tree. A brace of pheasants with crispy roast potatoes, chestnuts and winter greens,not forgetting a special stuffing made with herbs from the garden. As you know my plans often go astray so the birds can always be braised if necessary and served with mash, but I do hope all goes well. The garden is full of hungry birds today and a whole flock of Long Tailed Tits has been twittering in the big
Ash tree at the side of the house all afternoon. Dinner tonight was a hearty main meal soup made with leeks, onion, potato fresh chicken stock, a blade of mace, a bay leaf and a carton of crème fraich. It is very thick and creamy, we like to have it with fresh bread of even hot buttered toast, it warms you up from the inside.
I slept better last night than I have for a long time, which is good although when I have my little cat with me it is not unpleasant to be wakeful, unless the pain is very bad, thankfully at the moment it is better than it has been for some time. Stay snug and warm, until next time.
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