Well, it was just as I said it would be, for the first morning in two weeks we all decided to have a lie in and behold, the darling man was banging heavily on the front door well before nine this morning. It is almost like a magic charm,a goo friend once told me that when he was tired of waiting for a bus to arrive he always lit a cigarette, this he said was guaranteed to cause the bus to draw up before he had taken a couple of puffs, it must be something to do with Murphy's law
He gave us a choice of new mixer taps and I must say the new one is a great improvement of the geriatric piece of junk he removed in so far as I actually works,and does so without splashing water all over the kitchen floor. He really is a very good plumber, it is just that he has absolutely no sense of the time,or come to think of it the day.
Breakfast was very,very late but also very enjoyable as we were able to grill some oat cakes covered in cheese, a northern delicacy of which we are rather fond. We had decided to have a cauliflower cheese for dinner tonight so thankfully there was little preparation to do, I spent a couple of hours cleaning the bedroom and sorting clean bed linen,tedious but necessary.
All the time the rain came down in torrents and the noise it made lashing against the windows made the house seem even more cosy and snug, we congratulated ourselves on having done the shopping and the outdoor chores yesterday. This is not always the case and it cause for rejoicing when it happens. The wind howled and twigs flew about in the lane,people scurried by with their heads bent in to the wind,it was not a good day for umbrella's and we saw several turn inside out during the course of the day. Our little cat slept through most of it with her paws covering her nose and occasionally looking out of the window, registering her disgust with a huge yawn and a deep sigh. We had time for a few games this afternoon, we are all board game fanatics and also card games. We have a vast collection of these games and it often to decide which one to play. Monopoly usually starts a riot so we do not play it often. I like Settlers of Catan and Puerto Ricco. We all agree that an early night would be a good thing as tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I am always sleepy after the clock go back I think there must be a part of me that thinks it should hibernate in the winter.
I see that the student population has at last got off its collective backside and struck a blow for the future of education,it,s a pity they had to trash Millbank though. That is of course if it was the students who did the trashing.......I wonder. Speaking as one who was a student in the late sixties and early seventies and a veteran of sit ins and protest marches I seem to recall even in those comparatively innocent times there was a risk of a protest getting hijacked. I remember one march getting high jacked by some skinheads, a full scale brawl ensued and fifty odd people got arrested. Oddly though it was the students who had been protesting peacefully who were arrested and not the trouble makers, I wonder why?
My son had a close call tonight I had asked him to put a new light bulb in the living room while I was cooking dinner, suddenly there was n anguished shriek and a good deal of cursing, he had stuck his finger in to the live socket! In all fairness to him he had asked if the light was switched off, I did not hear as the washing machine was rumbling close by and as I did not answer he assumed all was well......not so! He was as white as a goats cheese and his hair stuck out here and there. I was terrified at first but once it became clear that he was not injured I confess that I was attacked by a severe fit of the giggles. This was not appreciated at all and he left the room in high dudgeon.
By dinner time though all was well and we all ….almost had a laugh about it.
I think it was relief that made me giggle at first, afterwards it was the look on his face. Poor soul, he has had quite a week, I suspect that he will be glad to get back to work.
We are all piling in to on room tonight to watch a show, really it is just an excuse to sit cracking wise at the expense of the presenters, who are themselves cracking wise at the expense of politicians and famous pop stars and actors. We are much funnier than they are, at least we think so.
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