Thursday, 4 November 2010


Firstly as predicted the electricians failed to arrive, this afternoon I received a call informing me that the part for our defunct grill had failed to arrive and that it would probably be Monday before we could expect any further developments. This came as no surprise as I had already asser5ained that the part was no longer available,an easy task when one can go online. I have no intention of waiting for eleven months for the repair as I did for the cooker hood fan, we will see what Monday brings.
The phone call meant that at least I was able to get on with some baking and I managed to bake the ginger cake for a young friend who has been unwell, plus a spare for my own cake tin.
I popped out early this morning to buy a gift for Pa, it is a snow scene with little house and a church , lots of trees and most important a little railway running through it. It is lit by fibre optics and looks very pretty in the dark, Pa loves any thing to do with trains and he is very pleased with it. I was lucky as it was the last one hey had.

During a lull in the afternoon chores I decided to take a look at the river as I have not been to see it for a few days,as it happens it was a fortunate choice. A little below our cottage there are several beautiful Lime trees,similar to those I have been eulogising all the week. Each had a notice attached to it stating that work on the trees was to commence tomorrow. I was disquieted and rather angered by this as I had been assured that no tree work would be carried out in the village without proper consultation with the residents. I returned home at once and rang my contact at the council offices...she was out.
Then began a full hour of being passed from department to department and being obliged to listen to the worst example of telephone Muzak it was ever my misfortune to hear.
After much travail I managed to speak to a real human being, and after she had made a few calls the signs were taken down and the work cancelled. I was an example of individuals flouting the law to please themselves, apparently they did not like the leaves that were falling over the wall on to their lawn...well tough... the ecco warriors have won again, or urban terrorists as I was called. I thought an Urban terrorist was a mugger of perhaps a person who blew up trains,I think I might have been insulted. The signs would have come down any way as I had arranged to have them removed after dark, so that with cars parked beneath the trees work could not have gone ahead.. Fortunately fair means won the day and so foul means were unnecessary.

We all seem a little tired today and I shall be glad not to have to get up so early tomorrow, we do have a guest for breakfast but late breakfast.....about ten thirty.
Tomorrow I must try to finish the parcels for home, today's panic over the trees took all my free time this afternoon, I am very glad I took the river route today, to see my beloved trees destroyed would have been too dreadful to contemplate.

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