Have you ever noticed the marked lack of good will to all men to be found in shops and super markets at this time of year. Yes, I know it's usually awful at the best of times but at this festive season of the year there is more than the average amount trolley rage and down right unpleasantness in evidence. The poor souls who man the check outs deserve great praise for the way they remain impassive in the face of extreme provocation,rudeness and uncharitable remarks .the tree tops my glisten but the children do not listen to the exhausted pleas of harassed parents to stop screaming,running about, picking up expensive toys and begging without mercy for “just a little something …..NOW!”
Ladies forget that they are ladies and join the scrum around the aisle where the chocolates are on display. The jostle each other in the haste to lay hands on mince meat, Christmas puddings and crackers. Once while shopping in Sainsburys I watched in amazement as two women fought over a frozen turkey until one pushed the other in to the freezer head first this was some years ago, this was some years ago when I lived in Coventry but today I witnessed some thing even more unpleasant.
While waiting in a long queue at the check out the lady in front of me, having forgotten some item left her trolley and went to seek out the article . During her absence the woman in front of her in the queue began to examine the contents of her trolley and finding an item she liked the look of took it and placed it in her own trolley, by the time she had finished she had relived the unfortunate absentee off a total of three items . Though not exactly stealing it certainly falls under the heading of anti social behaviour. She seemed unconcerned that people might be watching and when the owner of the plundered trolley returned she struck up a polite conversation about the length of the queue and the weather......charming!
I cannot honestly say that I never get stressed about shopping, we all do but except for the attitude of other shoppers I have always found shopping for Christmas food rather exciting, a chance to purchase some of the lovely extravagant thing that normally I would feel guilty about buying.
Today I treated myself to a new apron to wear on Christmas day , my old ones are anything but festive. They are so tatty that when wearing them I look like a “rag man's strumpet”as my father would have said.
I am still in the throws of decorating the house, today I finished of the living room and made a start of the kitchen. My son starts his week off on Monday and I want everything to be ready as we mean to start the festivities with an early feast and a couple of afternoons playing with the scalextric.
I do love Christmas.
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