Believe it or not I am a great fan of the children,s programme The Night Garden. For a long time O kept this small vice a secret as I feared it would call forth ridicule from the more sophisticated members of the family. Not having any small children handy is a problem as there is not excuse for watching the show, all my small nieces and nephews live in the north. I did not keep my secret very well as last Christmas I was given an Iggle Piggle toy and an Upsy daisy also, I had already brought a Macapaca for myself, slyly of course, evidently not slyly enough. Then there were the DVDs of the first two series, I was happy especially as there were not too many remarks about second childhood, you know the sort of thing.
Pa watched a few of the programmes and was hooked at once, it is powerful stuff you know. He began to call me Upsydaisy and it stuck, but I got even by buying him some blue Pj,s and a red fleece blanket, he looks very cute. Now my son is expecting to get a sponge a small trolley and a pile of round stones for Christmas, as if I would...............
It really was upsydaisy today as I had a nasty fall, unfortunately when I was alone in the house. In trying to break my fall I caught hold of the work top to save myself, I still fell and twisted my shoulder and wrist quite badly at the same time as hurting my already troublesome knee. I could not move for a while and as my arm was twisted up behind my back the pain was bad. Eventually I managed to shuffle forward on my bum far enough to free my arm and got to my feet as my son arrived home. I thought I was finished for the day but he used his healing abilities to good effect and as the pain began to subside he made a coffee for us both. Later I applied son Voltarol gel and was, happily able to compete the days chores, sore but still able to work.
He inherits this ability from my father who was a healer, headaches, toothache,sometimes it seemed like a miracle, I am certainly very grateful for the help I received today.
Fortunately I had already made four granary loaves and as there is nothing to cook tonight I shall have an easier time than usual.
The frosty weather is keeping the cat happy and she is out all day, now however she is sitting beside me as I write this toasting her small pink paws on the radiator and purring like a small engine. My son will be out all day tomorrow at a convention for dungeoneers, he has been looking forward to it for weeks, it is an annual event
and his group of gamers are all going with him so that will make it even more fun. I am glad when he goes out with his friends, for most of the week he too tired to do much socialising, the youth of today do not have the stamina of the kids when I was young, good grief, I sound like my mother!
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