The saga of my sons Christmas fancy dress costume continued today, and I am happy to say that this time I was successful an sorting out the question of THE CROWN.
Feeling that time was against me I misguidedly ordered a crown from a fancy dress outlet on line, it looked great, the reviews were good and I was hopeful that my problem would soon be solved. The tacky item which arrived in the post a day or two later was, to be polite, not satisfactory, to be impolite it was A load of bloody rubbish!
In state of panic I decided that there was no alternative but to do it myself, so with a good deal more than” twopence for paper and string” I assembled all the necessary elements needed to construct the blasted diadem and off I went,. To cut a long story short with card board, silver spray, a feather boa, gold braid and a hand full of jewels as if by magic......I don't think.... the required bauble emerged. The sense of relief is great as this year I find that time seems to be galloping away and I still have much to do for Christmas. The robe is almost ready, just a little embellishment and that is it. The saints be praised.
The single minded pursuit of this trumpery item means of course that the Christmas cake did not get made today, frankly I do not give a damn. The crown looks good and my son deserves the best I can do.
Chicken. Bacon and mushroom pie served with sweet potato is on the menu tonight, hot , tasty and quick as I am not sure when the troops will return from battle(gaming down the pub)
I did manage a short spin on the buggy this morning and I really enjoyed it. I love dry frost weather, it is the cold damp gloomy days that I dislike. Each morning when I wake I half hope to see snow, this year with the buggy I shall be able to go out and enjoy it, if we get any that is.
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